
Wednesday 31 July 2013

Work in Progress

Today is a combination of partially completed projects and a nightmare in the yarn department!

I finished 1 pair of wristwarmers last week - 1 to go for Xmas.
I also completed the knitting part of the mystery KAL - it was a scarflette and I now need to just add buttons.

Then there was the dishcloths - I finished 1 and then got 3/4 through a second, when I ran out of yarn!
I went to the shop to buy more to find they didn't have my colour.  So I ummed and ahhed for a little while before deciding that I had followed so many people dying and spinning their own yarn that I would dye some white - yellow.
Excellent idea, except that in the dying process the yarn got somewhat tangled.  To cut a long story short I then spent the best part of 7 hours untangling it!!  Was it worth it for a dishcloth?  No!!  My husband told me he would have thrown it away - but I am not a giving up sort of person and once I had started and invested a couple of hours on it, I had to finish it so finish it I did!!
Then, when I was finishing the knitting  (Grandmas favourite - so pretty much just garter stitch) I kept dropping stitches (I hardly ever do this but did it twice in this cloth :-( - weird).
It was not worth the time and stress - but it did end up the same colour and I have now completed the second dishcloth!!

I then decided to start a new project that I can continue in Somerset - hexipuffs!!  These are great, easy to do, portable and use up lots of odds and ends.  As you can see I have only just started and will need hundreds - so definitely a work in progress.

Other than knitting, I have also been able to make some progress on the roses with the cooler weather and the boys and me have made a start on the summer holiday project.
We are all going to Somerset this weekend so am hoping to make some progress on hexipuffs - probably not much else as most will be ending up as presents for mum - so better not knit them in front of her!!

Sunday 28 July 2013

Year of projects update

Today is just a summary of this week.  We broke up for the holidays this week and I have therefore, blogged about our summer holiday project here.

I also have a couple of finished items from the list - of which I posted pics here, but included this one of my son modelling the wristwarmers!!  As I said in the Wednesday post all the finished items this week are parts of presents so not really finished!!

I am still plugging away at the mystery KAL - had to frog it at one point but now am coming along ok!!
Have had to abandon the roses for the cake (not a year of projects but a project none the less) - as it had been too hot for the sugarpaste.  
Good news is that we finally had lots of rain yesterday and seems a bit fresher today so may get back to the roses tonight - can't even think about it with the pocket rocket awake!!!

Anyway, here is the current list:
  • For Daniel and Lily -  a toy- ?dragon and rabbit using stash yarn
  • For the sisters in law - wristwarmers - finished one pair 
  • For my mum and brother - pot covers 
  • For Thomas and Luke - crocodile scarf 
  • For my mum and mil - dishcloths and bag - finished 1 cloth!

  • Then, there's all the projects just for me
    • Finish tote bag - I'm nearly there - just finishing off to do.  Am hoping that could be my first FO post next week - hurrah - finished 04/07
  • Hat for me - possibly using my A Stash Addict yarn
  • Socks for me - definitely using my A Stash Addict yarn
  • Placemats - in time for Christmas I hope!
  • Scarf for the husband
  • Shawl for me - this is my knit-along piece - so will be knitting dragonfly wings by Boo knits - will be my next project - finished 14/07
  • Winter hats for the boys

  • Additions
    • MKAL - with group on ravelry - One skein

    Wednesday 24 July 2013

    Work in Progress Wednesday

    This is more of a finished object Friday, but I am going to classify it as a work in progress as the 2 objects that are finished are actually part of Christmas presents.
    The first is the wristwarmers that I have knitted for one of my sisters in law, in jaunty colours, as modelled by my gorgeous son.  I shall now be knitting another pair for the other sister in law - so not totally finished!!

    The second is my first dishcloth!!  I have used Grandmas favourite and it was lovely to knit - so now I am going to do a batch more.  Mostly as presents but some for me - I think I will do 3 of this pattern and then a design for each person.  So again not really finished!!

    The third project I have is the mystery KAL - which after 9 rows went horribly wrong as I had been gaining a stitch per row that I shouldn't have been.  So frogged what I had done, worked out where I was going wrong and started again - not got very far on this now :(

    I haven't made any progress on the roses as the weather is far too hot for the icing - hoping it will cool down somewhat so that I can do some more.
    Also, it is the first day of the holidays today so hurrah!!  We have many plans and will update here as regularly as possible - I am very excited and the boys will be soon (I will make sure of it!!)

    Sunday 21 July 2013

    Summer is still here!

    The summer is still with us - you can bet your life that it will end on Wednesday, when we break up for the holiday.  Anyway, can't really complain.

    On the year of projects front, I finished Dragonfly wings last week, and after the improvised blocking technique, it doesn't look too bad.  I'm quite impressed with myself - not perfect but will do.  Finished pictures are here

    Now the shawl is finished, I have started the wristwarmers for my sister's in law.  They are actually a little further along than the picture - I have finished one and am about at this point with the second.

    I have also for the first time started a second project at the same time!!  I don't know what it is as it is a mystery KAL with a group called one skein on Ravelry.  I have not knitted enough to have any idea what it is!  Quite enjoying the mystery of it at the moment and it is using up a little of my stash.  It is not on my list of course - so will have to add it as an extra.

    On a slightly different note, I have started the roses properly for my brother's wedding cake - however, have only got as far as 10 (I need 35) so need to get a move on now!!

    Tuesday 16 July 2013

    Finished Dragonfly wings

    Its all done!!  I have finished and blocked Dragonfly wings by Boo knits.  OK, so there are a few mistakes and my improvised blocking wasn't perfect - the points could have been much pointier!

    But, I have to say I think it looks ok and its for me so it doesn't matter!

    While I was taking photos of it, I decided to also take some of the rose in our back garden - isn't it glorious. We have only had it it 2 years and this is the first time it has bloomed like this.

    Whilst the shawl (for some reason I referred to it as a scarf all through last post - I have edited it now!) was blocking I have made a start on some Christmas presents - some wristwarmers for my sisters in law in jaunty colours.
    Will post pictures of these on Sunday.

    Sunday 14 July 2013

    More Summer Sun

    Ah another lovely day has been had!  Yesterday was hot, so we spent the day in the garden in the paddling pool and rounded off the day with a bbq.  Especially nice as, of course, my husband does the cooking that way and I only have to whip up a salad!!
    Today we got to the PYO and got loads of lovely strawberries and I remembered my purse today, so go me!
    Weather has been glorious again today, so had a couple of friends over for strawberries and scones with clotted cream - fabulous!

    Knitting wise I have finished my Boo knits shawl - hurrah.  It has been lovely to knit and I will miss it now, but there are other things on my list, so won't be bored for long.  Actually, there are some roses that I need to get on with ...
    Back to the shawl, it now needs blocking - something I have never done before.  So, I have looked on the internet for instructions, and found that I do not have quite the right equipment.  I'm too impatient, so have improvised.  I do have pins, but not enough and I don't have a water spray (except the one in the greenhouse - don't think that counts).
    Therefore, I'm doing half of it and using a water pistol!!  I don't think it can harm it, so will see how it goes.  Will post finished pictures if it works!!

    Sunday 7 July 2013

    Year of Projects - week 1

    Today has been absolutely lovely again, although it has clouded over a little this afternoon. Had a bit of a nightmare this morning - went to pick strawberries but the PYO was closed then went to the farm shop to buy some to find I had left my purse behind anyway!!  Scatter-brain!!  Boys didn't mind though  - meant we could get back to the padding pool earlier.

    This is my first proper week of a year of projects and it has started well.  I have finished the bag and started the Boo knits shawl for the knit-along.  I have put pics and updates on the Year of Projects page.
    I have chosen Dragonfly wings as my pattern as it looked OK as a first shawl/lace/knit-along project!  It isn't going too badly but there are some areas I could improve.  (Oh sounding like a teacher there!!)  I am using Debbie Bliss andes as it was similar to the yarn suggested - I probably wouldn't use that again as it is a bit too fluffy - however it feels gorgeous.  Am hoping to get to the lace part tonight - lets see!
    This is how far along I am at the moment.

    Friday 5 July 2013

    Summer is here!

    It is a gorgeous day today, but unfortunately I am full of cold!!  The weekend is supposed to be nice so hopefully will be feeling better tomorrow.  On the project front it has been going very well.  Have finally finished the bag, so can show it off on the FO Friday page!!  The sewing wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but you mustn't look too closely!

    So now I have finished the bag I have started the Dragonfly wings for the knit-along with the cwtch.  I have never done a knit-along, never knitted a shawl, never knitted lace and never knitted with this type of yarn before - so its a bit of a new experience all round!
    It took me quite a while to get going, casting on lots of time before I settled on needles and type of cast on.  Ended up starting with bamboo DPNs and a simple cast on.  The yarn is lovely but is very slippy (! specialist term) and a bit fluffy.  Now I am underway it is ok and have changed back to normal needles.  Will move to circular needles when I get more stitches.  There are a few mistakes but I think I can get away with them given the nature of the yarn/pattern - we will see!

    Anyway, will see if I can shake this cold and maybe get a few more rows done.  
    Have a lovely weekend :)

    Wednesday 3 July 2013

    WIP Wednesday

    Have joined a new group to keep me on my toes!  It is hosted by Tami`s Amis.
    My bag is still a work in progress but nearly finished - I will post a picture when I get downstairs to take one.  It is coming along quite nicely but I am not looking forward to doing the lining - I will cross that bridge when I get to it.  I'm hoping to be finished by Friday so that I can start my shawl.
    Am now downstairs so here is the picture - nearly there!!