
Sunday 26 October 2014

Year of Projects Update - week 17

And yet another week goes by!!  This week is the half term holiday, so I hope to have lots to report next week!

This week, I knitted myself some mitts - spiced cocoa is the pattern - I love the pattern and have done it 3 times before.  This time I bizarrely did the left twist differently but I don't know how!!  Anyway, they are for me so I will live with the difference!  The yarn is an aran by Mellifera yarn in the rain colourway.

I also finished the wreaths and made mini versions.

And made a snowman for the tree and another stocking.
As to sewing, I made a couple of project bags - here is one  it contains my 3 ongoing projects (second sock, second Raspberry tart and my Christmas jumper), none of which I have done much on this last week, so no photos!

I also made up my top, and will do the wrap dress today now I have the correct needles.
What are you working on this week?

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Project WO

So this week I have made a little progress on the wedding outfit.
I couldn't sew up the muslin for the wrap dress as I realised that I needed ball point needles for the stretch fabric.  I have picked these up today so hopefully next weekend I should be able to sew it up.
I did take receipt of my fabric and yarn to make the shawl.

The material wasn't hugely expensive (from Minerva Craft), but feels lovely and has a bit of texture to it.  The yarn is a gorgeous silky sock from Mellifera yarn to make Fragile Heart a shawl by Boo knits.
Mel is also going to dye some aran in reflection for me so that I can make the bag to match.  She has aran in at the end of the month so hopefully soon after that I will get all the yarn I need.

That's about it on the wedding outfit front this week, I have made other progress but I will blog about that in my Year of Projects post on Sunday.

Linking up with Nicole at KCCO

Sunday 19 October 2014

Year of Projects Update

Some progress this week.  I finished one sock and it fits!!

I started the next one, but I'm only at the ribbing.
I am going to do my sewing today, so have nothing to report as yet, except that I went ahead and bought some fabric and yarn for the dress and shawl.  The fabric was another bargain from Minerva Craft, and the yarn was again from Mellifera yarn, a silky sock in reflection.

This last week was wreath week!!  I have done two!!  I shall be adding a ribbon to the white one and embellishing the stripey one with pom poms!!

I think that is about it this week, have a lovely week - we have one more week until the half term holiday - hurrah!!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Project WO and other WIP's

So one week in and what progress have I made?
I have bought the pattern for the dress.

I have also bought some material to make a muslin - some lovely cheap stretch material in a dark brown which I purchased from Minerva crafts online for just £3 a meter.  I have since cut it out and will sew it together this weekend, together with a few other sewing projects.

The other elements will have to wait until I have the actual fabric for the dress, but I may not be able to wait until December - will have to see how the weekend goes.
In other WIP's, I have made some progress on both the socks and the Raspberry tart.

The most progress has been reserved for the wreath (since I have designated this wreath knitting week!) - it is quite boring to knit at the moment - just loads of garter stitch but the end is in sight!
Linking up with KCCO

Sunday 12 October 2014

Year of Projects Update

Well bauble knitting week has gone very well!  However, I will need more bauble knitting weeks to make enough - they were very enjoyable so this is no hardship.  This week I shall designate wreath knitting week!

I have also made a little progress on the sock and my second raspberry tart, but no pics as the progress is not noticeable.

I blogged in the week about my new project here.  This is my whole outfit project to go to my SIL's wedding.  I will add it to my YOP list.  I have already bought the pattern for the dress and some fabric to make a muslin.

I have actually got myself ready for an epic sewing session next weekend when I intend to make all of the following fabric pieces into; a wrap dress, a tie top, 2 project bags and the start of a quilt.  Well that is the intention!

I also think I have settled on Fragile Heart by Boo Knits as my shawl and I have bought some yarn from Mellifera yarn to possibly make it with - some silky sock.

Well that is about it - my husband is cycling in a charity cycle today so I will be off to provide back up!!  Have a good day.

Monday 6 October 2014

Project WO!

My sister in law is getting married next year.  My 2 boys will be page boys and my husband is giving her away.  As a result I feel like I should make an effort!!

I thought I would set myself a challenge.  This years challenge was to set up the craft stall and Etsy shop, which is done and ticking over nicely.  So for this next year I thought I would set myself Project Wedding Outfit - where I make pretty much everything I intend to wear.

Project WO will therefore, consist of:

A wrap dress - I have been reading 'What not to wear' and have decided this is the best type of dress for my figure.  I will need a pattern and think I have decided on the ultimate wrap dress by Sew Over It.  I have a day off (without children) at the start of December so I will source some fabric on that day.  In the meantime I shall order some relatively cheap stretch fabric to make myself a muslin first (I shall do this properly!!)

Shawl - I would like a smallish lightweight shawl to wear as although the wedding is in July I may need it to go into the evening.  I have knitted a Boo knits shawl in the past and found it easy to follow but lovely to look at, so am thinking of one of these - possibly Fragile Heart.  I can't buy yarn yet as it will depend on my choice of fabric for the dress.

Corsage - I have made a number of fabric flowers for the stall as in the tutorial so I will probably make one of these.

Knitted handbag with wooden handles - Again something I have made for the stall in superchunky, but I will make one to coordinate with the dress.  I may make it in a finer yarn but I will keep looking for a pattern for this.  Maybe something along these lines:

Shoes - I will not be making!  I am hoping my wedding shoes might be appropriate - I kept them from 10 years ago but have never worn them again.

Underwear - I will not be attempting a bra (will buy one!).  However, I have been seduced by the knicker kits at Sew Over It and may make my own - but we will see.
Product Image
Jewelry - I have made my own jewelry, but it depends what it all looks like as to whether I buy some or make some.

Wedding Cake - I have been asked to make this - I know no more at the moment, so will update when I know.

So there we have it, my new project.  I am going to aim to blog about this regularly, hopefully, once a week although I may combine it with a WIP Wednesday if there is not much happening on the outfit front!!  I shall also add it to my Year of Projects list.

Linking up with KCCO

Sunday 5 October 2014

Year of Projects Update - week 13

And yet another week flies by!!
I have a few little finishes this week, one for the stall and 3 for us.
Firstly I have been trying to produce some little stockings for the tree that would hold some chocolate coins.  The first 2 ended up far too big (so these will be for us - lots of chocolate coins!!) and the third pretty much perfect.

I will try to knock up some more of these this week - although I have designated this week Xmas bauble knitting week - as you do!

Second finish was Daniels hat with a pom pom.  I knit him a snowman, so here he is!

Its not brilliant but all he wants is a pom pom to squish so it will do - when it gets colder I have a hat knitted last year for him.

Other than that I have knitted some on my second Raspberry tart and my second attempt at the socks is coming along nicely.

Thats all for now, will probably go swimming in a bit - will be visiting later.  If you want to read some more please visit us in the Year of Projects group on Ravelry.

Thursday 2 October 2014

WIP Wednesday - On Thursday!

Ok, so I fully intended to post this yesterday, but I had a meeting after school and once I had sorted out the boys it was too late!!  So here it is a day late.  I have lots of things on the needles at the moment, and that is how I like it right now!  A project for every mood!!
The hat for Daniel is nearly finished - I actually frogged it a bit to change the yarn as the original was too scratchy.
 This is my progress to date.

The new Raspberry tart is started, but haven't done too much on that.  I am loving the colour - it is Merino DK in Cerulean by Mellifera yarn

I haven't done any more to the Xmas jumper.

The socks are now progressing, but slowly, having frogged the original when I worked out all the measurements!

However, the second chunky bag is finished

And the Xmas stocking tree decoration is done.

So it is all good - linking up with KCCO for more crafty goodness.