
Tuesday 29 September 2015

Double knitting is magic!

So I finished the test knit and cast on new projects.  I have made a little progress on Rhombing around, but not enough to show.  I cast on some socks - Jesse by Rachel Coopey, my first colourwork socks.  I am using a bit more of the yarn from my frogged cardigan, so it is going to good use.
I also decided to cast on a project that has been on my year of projects list for a good couple of years. I found a tutorial on creative bug for double knitting and found a straightforward pattern for a double knit cowl and got going!  Now the cast on was a bit difficult, there were a few choice words and I had to watch the tutorial closely several times before I got it!  But that was the hardest part and now it's really easy (famous last words).  I can honestly say double knitting is magic - it's just appearing and is quite good fun!  Ok, so my cast on was still a bit dodgy in places and I've doctored the pattern as I'm not totally sure how to incorporate a third colour, but I'm over the moon at how it's turning out.
I also cut the fabric for my third sailor top and I hope to start on a few tree decs by the end of the week.
Now I'm back at school, my reading has stalled, so I've renewed the Seas for a third time, but not sure when I will get to it - we'll see.
Linking with Nicole and Ginny

Sunday 27 September 2015

A Year of Projects Update - week 13

I've made a little more progress this week.
First up - I finished the test knit!  Yay, on Friday as well, so easily within the deadline.  I can't show you yet but I'm sure it will be soon.  They are lovely, the yarn is gorgeous and I can't wait to show you!
So, with that finished, I cast on my next project.  Jesse by Rachel Coopey, my first pair of colourwork socks.  I am using some more of my yarn from the frogged cardi, so it is all going to good use.

And that is about it from this week.  Yesterday we went for a driving experience for my husband at a track near us called Thruxton.  Can't speak highly enough about it - it was incredibly well run and everyone was very friendly and hubby had a great time.  Here we are - my husband is driving the jag behind us!
This week I hope to cut the material for my third sailor top, make progress on the socks and Rhombing Around and cast on for my first double knitting project - wish me luck!
To see what the others are up to click here

Sunday 20 September 2015

A Year of Projects Update - week 12

I've not much to share this week in all honesty.  It's been the first proper week at school for me and Daniel started school on Monday, so it's been a bit busy.  The only real progress I've made has been on the test knit.  I've decided to knit it taat and I'm at the same place on both.  I'll show a sneak peek of a cable this week.
Mysterious ...!
I will also be sewing a third sailor top, but haven't cut the fabric yet.  But this is it.
So there we have it!  If you want to catch up with folk who have probably done a little more, check these out.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

A Little bit of everything!

We went to the Goodwood Revival meet at the weekend - a big car racing event for cars from around the fifties,  We had a great time but I missed my Year of Projects post!  Not the end of the world, but I can't remember the last time I didn't post on a Sunday!
So what have I been up to apart from motor racing?
I have progressed on Rhombing Around - Although I haven't worked on it for a few days I am making good progress down the body.
I have made another sailor top!  The fabric is not as stretchy and so doesn't fit quite as well as my first, but it still fits nonetheless.  I'm going to cut out my third this weekend in a spotty fabric.

And I have started a test knit.  I can't show you much apart from an extreme close up to show you the colour of the yarn.  The yarn is I Knit or Dye rubber sole, that I had in stash - it is gorgeous. 
Linking with a year of projectsNicole and Ginny

Tuesday 8 September 2015

The Sailor Top and Other Things

The day before I returned to school I decided to make the sailor top.

I have been following Sarah of Crafts from the cwtch for a while and have been following her series of blog posts about her handmade wardrobe.  Sarah has been extolling the virtues of Creative bug (subscription site for crafty tutorials) for a while and has made a few sailor tops from Fancy Tiger Crafts.  She then mentioned a blog called Curious Handmade and their handmade wardrobe challenge.
So, what did I do?  I have been sewing a few pieces for a while now, but, in all honesty, I cut too many corners and very few of my projects are finished well (I do love my Megan dress but even that could have been much better.)  I took the free trial subscription and got the tutorial for the sailor top. I declared my intentions on the Curious handmade thread on Ravelry and cut my fabric (I have quite a bit!)  I watched the tutorial through and then took the plunge.
What a revelation! They used only equipment that I already had, but explained each step and the video was shot in such a way I could follow exactly.
What did I learn?
How to piece the paper together - I have always been a little scared of buying a PDF to print, but now it doesn't worry me at all.
Some simple finishing techniques - all of my raw edges are finished, either with pinking shears, zigzag stitch or hidden from view and not a serger in sight.
To use the tension on my machine - I had no idea increasing the tension would gather the fabric - ingenious!!

So here is my first one!
I love it - I love the fabric (something cheap I got from Minerva crafts), I love the fit and I love the finish.
What would I change?
I failed to catch all of the neckline when I 'stitched in the ditch'(!), so this is something I will rectify and pay attention to next time.  I would ideally like a slightly longer length at the front, again something I will alter in my next one.
Other progress, I have made progress on my Rhombing around although I haven't taken a new photo since this one I have done a further ten or so rounds.
I finished my slipper socks, but they need finishing before photographing.  
I have read no more of The Seas - I hope to take it with me next weekend and plow on before I have to return it!
Linking with Nicole and Ginny

Sunday 6 September 2015

A Year of Projects Update - week 10

A little progress has been made this week, not a lot, but a little!  First up, I made my first sailor top.  I am exceedingly pleased with this, by following the class from creativebug I have made a well fitting and well finished top.

I have already cut out the fabric for a second one.
I have done a few more rounds on the slipper socks and am nearly at the end of the heel.
I have done a little more to Rhombing around and I have located the last skein to be able to start From way back.
I also finished my next baby set - just need to add buttons to the booties.

Now I write it down, it looks like I made a fair bit of progress after all!
Hope you all have a good week, for more YOP posts we're here.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Yarn Along - I finished the socks!

Hurrah, I finished Curiosa as you can see from the title!  I love them, the yarn (Mellifera yarn cash twist) is delightful in tide, a gorgeous blue.

They took me a while, but they were worth it.
I am now doing some more to Rhombing Around.  I hope to get this finished soon as I only try to have one sweater otn at one time and I have a few lined up (Hitofude and From Way back to name just two!)
Please excuse my photos from here on in - my camera decided they should be the other way around and I'm not sure how to orientate them on Blogger so they remain sideways!

I also have some little things on the go - my second slipper sock

and some baby booties to complete a set for the stall.

Of course I shall probably get twitchy sock fingers soon at having no 'proper' socks otn (slipper socks are not proper socks!), and when that happens I have the yarn for Jesse by Rachel Coopey.

I also cut the fabric for my sailor top, and I hope to get on with that today or tomorrow, we'll see what the boys want to do.  We have just 2 days left of the summer break and we will make the most of it! We shall be off to the park today t see the ducks and kick a ball about.
Linking with Nicole and Ginny.