
Sunday 24 April 2016

A Year of Projects Update - week 43

It's turned a little dull here this weekend.  This is a disclaimer because my photos are a bit dark as a result.  (I'm also still in my pj's but there we have it!!)
No FO's again this week, but I have made lots of progress on my WIP's.

My Arne and Carlos socks are nearly there.  I did the fish lips kiss heel and am making my way along the foot.  I love this heel - once I got through all the instructions it was easy and looks lovely on the needles.  I have tried them on and think they will fit great.  There is no pattern for these - just vanilla as the yarn does it for you.
The test knit is coming along nicely - I'm more than half way through and it is at the rolling up stage!
Peeping cowl is splendid!  I love how this is coming together and the colours are fabulous.  I still have a way to go but am really enjoying this.
I added a couple of rows on boxy but it doesn't look very different from before and I haven't done any more to the Donder and Blitzen hat.

OK so I know I'm supposed to be on a yarn diet and was satisfying the shopping urge (I don't indulge in anything else - yarn and yarn related objects are my only vice) with stitch markers and the like.  However, this week I "had" to get some west Yorkshire spinners in the birds colourways while I was buying some stitch markers!!
Oh I love them!!  And the stitch markers match which was a very happy coincidence.
Then I went completely crazy and bought Kate Davies book Yokes having seen some clips (like I need more sweater patterns!) and noticed that Knitting Goddess was having a sale to make room for lots more British yarn, so I bought a little of that.  I haven't received these yet so next week I will share them with you.

I am not currently participating in any KAL's as I am finishing the test knit, however ...
I am going to use the new Knitting Goddess wool in two sock KAL's - the no nylon KAL with Joeli Creates and a new techniques KAL (it's not called that) with The Grocery Girls podcast.  I will start these next weekend.
I also want to participate in a sewing a long with the Yarngasm podcast - I want to sew another Dominique and a couple of tops before the summer, so hopefully that will spur me along.

I think that is it - join us here.

Sunday 17 April 2016

A Year of Projects Update week 42

Well despite being back at school I have made good progress through my projects.
My Arne and Carlos socks are looking lovely and coming along nicely.
I want to do a couple more inches then I am going to try the fish lips kiss heel.
My peeping cowl is coming along as well.  This is just as addictive as the socks as you just want to finish the next section.
I haven't touched Donder and Blitzen or Boxy, but hope to at some point today.
I have made good progress on the test knit.  I have completed the increase section and am now onto a straight section - here is a teaser shot with one of my new stitch markers.
I have no knitting FO's, but I do have a completed Dominique  yay!

In the absence of yarn acquisitions (I am trying to be good and use some stash) I have been buying stitch markers.  You can see one of them on the test knit and another on peeping cowl.
Can I also just mention how much I am enjoying my new Hiya Hiya interchangable bamboo needles?  I am loving these so far, the join is seemless and they feel lovely to knit with.  I generally use Addi click and I think I will stick with these for larger projects due to the very hardwearing join and the fact they click in, but the Hiya Hiya are gorgeous for smaller projects with the join being so smooth and the cord twisting as you knit.
Anyway, that is about it for this week.  Join us here.

Sunday 10 April 2016

A Year of Projects Update - week 41

I have many WIP's this week so I thought I'd put them all on show together!
So starting from top left, I have made progess on my Donder and Blitzen hat and am nearly on my reindeer now!  Iam using some plucky that I was gifted and some leftover Louisa Harding.
Clockwise to this is my Arne and Carlos socks.  So called because that is the yarn that I am using by Regia.  I am doing a vanilla sock - 1 inch of 1 by 1 ribbing, then I'm going to 6 or 7 inches of stockinette and then I'm going to do a fish lips kiss heel on these as it is one I have not used before.
Continuing clockwise is the Xmas sweater.  I have promised my form I will have this ready for this Christmas, so I must get going with this!
Lastly clockwise is my worsted boxy, knitted in Cascade 220.
And in the middle is Peeping Cowl from Interpretations 3.  I am knitting this from Mellifera yarn cash sock, in four colours.
My last WIP is separate as it is just a teaser.  I have started a test for Ruth, and this is a little shot of Farraige.  Iam using Debbie Bliss Rialto lace that I had left from Morticia a couple of years ago.
 I have no FO's, but I do have an acquisition.
For my birthday last week I got these - Hiya Hiya wooden 5" short set.  I am using these for Peeping cowl and the test and so far am loving them.
 I also made a Dominique skirt by Tilly and the Buttons, but I haven't photographed this yet. I will try to do so today and post it next week.
Otherwise we visited the British wildlife centre this week and became members.  The boys loved the otters and hedgehogs but I loved the red squirrels
 We also went to Brands Hatch last week to see the touring cars which was good.  It's back to school on Monday for the last term of the year so back to the grindstone!!
  To see what everyone is up to click here

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Yarn Along - A HO

I have a HO!!  (A half finished object)
I have one mitered triangle sock.
I was very excited to start this sock as I intended to do it as a memory blanket style - use up my leftover sock yarn, and that is what I have done.
However, I did get a little lost in putting the sock together.
The pattern is fine (and indeed, very enjoyable) up to the heel, then it isn't clear what to do.  It would be helped by having more pictures showing you which bit should be attached to which and indeed which side.  It also doesn't help that the instructions are written with the sample yarns in mind so it keeps talking about the colours which of course, didn't match mine.  On top of that I used fingering weight instead of sport weight so had to improvise with the joins to make it big enough.  Anyway I persevered and with lots of modifications have finished one sock.  I still enjoyed the actual knitting though so I will do the second one but I am going to start another sock project in the meantime - I am thinking either blueberry waffle with my Hedgehog yarn or use my Arne and Carlos self patterning yarn - decisions decisions.
Other than the socks, I have made a little progress on the worsted boxy and Donder and Blitzen hat, but not enough to photograph.  And although I wound the yarn, I have not cast on the peeping cowl. In terms of reading, the only book I have been reading is the new directions book, from which I got the mitered triangles pattern.
Hopefully by the weekend I will have some real progress to report.
Linking with Nicole and Ginny

Sunday 3 April 2016

A Year of Projects Update - week 40

Just a quick one today.  That is not to say I don't have much to talk about!!  I will probably put up a post in the week for some of it.
I finished Whitby and have been wearing them all week.
I immediately cast on mitered triangles.  I am sure I will comment more on these when I'm done, but at the moment, I love the knitting and it seems to be going very quickly, but the instructions could be more helpful.  More pictures to explain exactly where you are and which bit you should attach to which at the very least!
Donder and blitzen is coming along, as is the worsted boxy - will post pictures when there is more to see!!
I have wound the yarn for peeping cowl from Interpretations 3.
I went to Coldharbour mill this week - it was fab - I will tell all in the week.  I did come away with two sweater quantities of yarn (it is my birthday in the week!)
Anyway, I have to fly now, we are off to Brands for the start of the touring car season!