
Sunday 27 October 2019

A Year of Projects Update - Week 17

I shall be posting a relatively quick update this week.  We have just begun our half term break here and I am hoping in between having fun (!) I will get lots of crafting done.
We are actually now experiencing some great weather after all of the rain for a moment so we need to make the most of it.
I do have an FO. 
I started making some little presents the other week for Christmas.  These took the form of some bookmarks.  I got the sock pattern club by Kay Jones of the Bakery Bears podcast and that came with a sweet bookmark pattern.

So I have started with four, and will begin the next four today.

Having finished my sweaters last week I have cast on a new one this week.  I have cast on Sock arms in my yarn from Amy Florence, but I have not got very far yet.
I have made no progress on Askews Me, but have done a few rounds on my Honey bee dance socks.  I will post on these next week.  I also hope to have blocked my sweaters and may well have modelled shots!
I think that is it for a moment, I am going to enjoy my extra hour (clocks went back today) and go to have a bath in a bit.
I hope everyone has a lovely week.

Sunday 20 October 2019

A Year of Projects Update - week 16

I didn't mean to miss last week, but again, time got away from me!  However, I now have two (yes two!) finished objects.  And both are sweaters!

Ok so I say finished - they are both knitted and the sewing is complete.  Both now need blocking and one is awaiting buttons, but I am calling them finished.

First up is Epistrophy.  I finished the main piece and then steeked the front.  This wasn't half as scary as I thought it was going to be. 

I didn't do any reinforcement before cutting since I had used non-superwash yarn, I have subsequently sewn up the steek to keep it in place on the back.  I have no photo of that because it isn't pretty!

Having finished the knitting I discovered that I did not have enough buttons and so I have ordered them but they are not here yet.

My other FO is Faience.  I have finished this, but it needs blocking - I would like to block it longer at the front.  I will get a picture of this when it is blocked.

Both of these were lovely knits, now I just have Askews me as a sweater knit on the needles.  So I shall look to my list to pick the next project.
I went out today to get the penultimate harvest of the year!  I have one one lot of potatoes and I saved some carrots for next time.  Lots asked about the potatoes last time - they are Pink Fir Apple.  This is a variety I love but you can never find them in the shops so I have to grow my own.
Anyway, I think that is enough for this week.  I will be back next week as the start of the midterm break kicks off.  I hope everyone has a great week.

Sunday 6 October 2019

A Year of Projects Update - Week 14

I simply cannot believe it is October already!  School is as busy as ever and the boys are here, there and everywhere! 

Some progress has been made on my sweaters and now they are closer as ever to being finished!  I think I say that every week.
Faience is within touching distance.  I have completed the front and now just have the two sides to do and seeming and it is done - maybe this week?
Epistrophy is also very close, just a few more rounds on the yoke and then I have the excitment of the steek and button band!
I keep doing a little on the journal - when I have done a bit more I will update on that project.  I am also doing a few bits and pieces for Christmas, which I will also update on when they are completed.
So that is what I will be working on this week in between work, karting and some racing next weekend.  Oh yes, and we have an open evening on Thursday so it is all go, I think it might be another week before they get done!