
Sunday 26 July 2020

Year of Projects Update - week 4

I have been reasonably monogamous this week!  I say that, but I  have 2 new cast ons!
I did finish the other socks which are here.
They look a bit odd because although I followed the numbers from a dk pattern, they were too tight to start with.  I added a gusset, but they are still fairly snug to get on.  I used various scraps to make these.
As a result of finishing these, I have cast on a new pair.  
I did choose a skein to knit them out and wound it (pictured below with the cast on socks)  however, I then discovered my leftovers from sock arms that were ready to go, so decided to knit a pair of shorties first.
My other new cast on was Cornhill by Eden Cottage yarn, knit in the new base from Eden Cottage.
I am really enjoying this, shawls are not really my thing,  but I love knitting them.  I am planning on wearing this!
And finally,  the piece that I have been working on the most, is Breathing Space.
I am now on the ribbing for the body, so I'm hoping this will be finished soon!
And that is that!
We are going to visit my mum and dad this week.   We haven't been to visit for obvious reasons, since Christmas so we are really looking forward to this.  We are going for a week and not doing anything apart from walking!
I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing week.

Sunday 19 July 2020

A Year of Projects Update - week 3

Last week I posted the FO's from the previous few weeks.  Today I'm going to share my WIP's and some purchases that have come my way!
My WIP'S consist of:

  • My second Breathing Space.  I am knitting this in some gorgeous wool from the Wool Kitchen.  This is merino silk in the merpeople colourway. 

I am onto the ribbing on the body, and then I only have the sleeves to go!

  • I have cast on the lacy shoulders tee.  I am knitting this in Rowan Summerlite 4ply, which is stunning.  It is a cotton yarn which is fabulous, nothing like anything I've used before.

  • My socks.  These are coming along  although not as fast as I would like!  I have been studying my box of sock yarn and been dreaming of the next pair!  As a result I have put some time in on these this week.

  • I have my skirt as my last wip.  This another project I have not worked on in a while but I will get back to it!

I have got a few purchases from the last weeks!
Two batches of yarn from Eden Cottage, one for the antiquity-blouse (not pictured) and one for the Cornhill scarf.

I also got two packages from John Arbon Textiles.  One, I'm going to use for the forest berry jacket, the other I'm not decided yet.

I bought some wool to make a weaving with, from Wild Woven.  Here it is amongst some minis!

And finally, I was tempted and gave in to some yarn from Kate Seline.

I am going to make up my own advent calendar this year from my minis, which I am then going to use in the battenburg blanket.
So there we have it!  All of my FOs last week and WIP's this week.  Next week will be back to normal!
It's our last part week of homeschooling this week.  Daniel has finished and me and Thomas have until Wednesday.   Then cleaning and tidying will commence!
I hope you all have a great week. 

Sunday 12 July 2020

A Year of Projects Update - week 2

Well generally this week has been much the same as the previous 12!  However, in terms of Year of Projects, last week was my plan and the week previous to that was the round up of the year.  So that means I have about a month worth of progress to share with you.
I have quite a lot, so I'm going to share my finished objects this week and wips next week. I have also updated the YOP page with a couple of things!  Already!  One item to cross off and two things that I  have added.  I'm not a shawl person, but I was watching Eden Cottage yarns podcast and she was wearing a delightful scarf which I just had to get yarn for and buy the pattern.  So that is added to the list.  I was also reading the annual no. 2 from John Arbon and a sweater in there took my fancy.  I can't link it but will take a pattern pic when I  cast on.
So to my FOs.
First up is my From Way Back, knit in Gilliatt by de rerum natura. 
This is knit from stash and the buttons are also from stash so it feels quite virtuous!
Secondly, I  started and finished an outfit for Christopher!
I wanted to give him a summer outfit so I did a swimsuit, hat and towel.
In addition to this I also have some sewing FO's
I finished some French knickers having sewn the knickers a month ago.   I used an old pillowcase and some lacy ribbon and created these.
I didn't have a pattern, these are self drafted.
And finally,  I finished a dress I had nearly finished anyway, I just had to finish the hem and bias binding on the sleeves and neckline.

Sunday 5 July 2020

A Year of Projects - Year 10 Opening Post

Year 10!  Who'd have thought it?  For most in the Year of Projects group, this is the start of the year  where we present our plans for the next year.
I thought about doing something different this year... but I love a list, even if I don't stick to it!  So what are my plans for this year?

Finish Breathing Space
Finish From Way Back
Lacy shoulders tee
Forest berry jacket
Antiquity blouse
Christmas jumper for Daniel


Finish skirt
Outfits for Christopher
Market bag
Finish blanket
Sunburst blanket

Curtains and bean bag for Thomas
Circle skirt

My overall goal, as it has been for a few years, is to participate in Me Made May - this year didn't exactly happen so next year I would like to make a real effort to take part and record each day.

Other crafts

And that, as they say, is that!  I'm sure I  shall deviate completely,  but that is the plan to start with!
Do make sure you check the other posts in the group to see what we have