
Sunday 11 April 2021

A Year of Projects Update - Week 41

 It's been a lovely week.  I finished my blanket,  but more about that in a moment.   We had a bbq on Tuesday as it was my birthday and we are now allowed to meet as a 6 in a garden!  I've never bbqed in the snow, but I did then!  

Here you can see me and my friends trying to keep warm!  I am at the back with my new blanket.   It is knit in all sorts of leftover sock yarn, corner to corner in garter stitch.

For the rest of the week I have done very little apart from work on my Oare Water.

I am now on the second sleeve and hope to be finished today.

I haven't worked on anything else, but I  will his coming week.   

I have also been doing some gardening, which is nice - I have got some of the vegetables in and again will do a little more this next week. 

So now to get back to this sleeve!  I hope everyone has a great week.


  1. This week is definitely a big birthday week! Mine was Friday. Glad you were able to enjoy your day. Your Oare Water looks great. What a different yoke.

  2. I love the heavily muffled party group. You all look cheerful anyway. Good idea to have hot food that day.

  3. You all look so cold. The sweater is pretty. You got a lot done on it this week. Is it warm enough there to garden?

  4. So glad you were able to have real people for your birthday. That bundled up look is very familiar to me. That's how we look here in Wisconsin!

  5. So lovely you could have company over for your birthday. Everyone looked well prepared with their blankets and woolies!

  6. You all look well wrapped up and as cosy as possible. I hope you enjoyed your birthday. Seems like next week you will have another FO!

  7. So glad you were able to celebrate your birthday! Your blanket came in handy and your Oare Water is so pretty! The neckline is really unique.

  8. It looks like you had a fun, if chilly Birthday BBQ! You all look toasty with your blankets - and you with your newly finished one. :) Belated Happy Birthday, Lucy!

  9. Happy birthday! That blanket is perfect for an outdoor bbq :)

  10. Your chilly weather BBQ looks exciting! I'm glad you had a happy birthday with people you love.

    The sweater looks so close to done! I can't wait to see the FO, and what you work on next!
