
Monday 7 June 2021

Me Made May - the summary!

 So Me Made May is over for 2021.  This year I managed every day.

I think I have missed an image somewhere?!
Anyway, what have I learned?
I really enjoyed wearing skirts.  I am currently knitting a skirt so I  need to progress with that.  Otherwise the two I  wore during May were lovely and I could do with more of those.  The brown skirt is great to wear with longer length tops (as it is fitted on the belly and I  don't like showing that off!  The red is perfect except for the fastening which at the moment means I need to wear it with longer length tops again - I would like more of these with a zip fastening so I  could wear my more cropped tops. 
I loved wearing my Coco style tops  the only thing I might look to doing is bringing the neckline in so I don't risk showing my underwear. 
I really should conquer my trouser fear!  I now have a lovely pair of shop bought, comfy, but smart trousers that I could draft a pattern from. 
So there we have it - more skirts and more tunic tops!  Let's see if I can sort myself out for next year.


  1. Look at you with all those homemade wonderfuls!!! I have to say my favorite outfit is the beige jumper with the striped top, and the blue sweater is gorgeous. You look good in bright colors. But truly they are all adorable! You are amazing with what you get done! Congratulations!

  2. Oh, I love the recap photos. I am so impressed. I want to say "luck you" for now having such a terrific hand-made wardrobe, but it's really "industrious you"! You are an inspiration, Lucy.
