Tuesday 25 July 2017

Craft Along

It has been a very long time since I did a mid week post, life has just been in the way!  Anyway, now I have got to the summer break I thought I might make an effort.
So what am I up to?  I did a little audit for my Year of Projects post a couple of weeks ago here.  So that was all of my knitting projects.  Recently I have been making great progress on my cropped sweater for winter by Andi Satterlund.
I was not into cropped sweaters, but in my quest to start a handmade wardrobe, I have been converted to skirts.  And as a consequence of that cropped sweaters are more the thing rather than tunic style ones that were more my thing.  I am already planning my next one as I love this one and it has knit up so quickly.  Yarn is De rerum natura - Gilliatt.
The other project I have worked on and finished this week, is another skirt.  This is the Clemence pattern by Tilly and the Buttons. 
I have worked on other projects but these are the ones with the most progress.  
Reading wise, I am making my way through the Handmaids Tale by Margaret Attwood.  
Image result for the handmaid's tale (tv series) episodes
I am also watching the series, we are up to episode 9 - can't wait for the finale.  I hope over the next couple of weeks to finish this.
So there we go - I am off to the Touring car racing at the weekend and camping at the circuit, so as long as the weather is ok, I hope to knit lots of socks.
Linking with Nicole


  1. Your skirt is going to be perfect with the sweater.

  2. Love your skirt and jumper, that will be a lovely cropped jumper.

  3. The skirt is so pretty! I love the idea of a handmade wardrobe. I sew...but I've found it difficult to find good patterns and fabric in my area, but there was a time when I only made my clothes. I need to start doing that again, thanks for the inspiration! :)

    I hope you have good weather for your camping!

  4. Your jumper is going to look great on you...love those colrs and the skirt is simply precious. I don't wear skirts or dresses and the 'cropped' look would not be good with my figure but you will look as cute as a bug in a rug! You'll have to model when all is done! Thanks for the book and series tip too....I had forgotten I wanted to read it! LOL! Enjoy your camping and the races!

  5. That skirt and sweater are going to dynamite together! I am looking to start sewing clothes, so I added that pattern to my Pinterest. I love the idea of a hand-made wardrobe.

  6. that will be a lovely cropped jumper.

    thai porn
