Sunday 20 December 2020

A Year of Projects Update - week 25

 I seem to be on a biweekly schedule at the moment!

It's been quite a couple of weeks.  We had a couple of Covid cases in our sixth form in November, then we cruised along a bit.  But this last couple of weeks saw a bit of an outbreak in year 8.  We are not allowed to shut the school, so we sent groups of students home until sending all of year 8 homd on Tuesday.  I made it to the end of the week but at present Thomas is self isolating until the 25th as he came in close contact with a positive case.   We almost made it!

Anyway, I have been able to do some crafting.

I am progressing with my blanket. 

I am knitting this with an advent that I put together myself.   I am still loving it!
I have also made progress on Winterberry. 
Sorry about the photo,  I try to do sleeves two at a time so they are the same,  but it makes photos tricky!
I am looking forward to a week relaxing, I think we are all ready for the big day.   Hope everyone has wonderful Christmas if you celebrate and a lovely rest.


  1. I am so sorry that you are teaching in person! Our society doesn't value teachers enough. In the States, one-third of teachers are considering leaving the profession because of Covid and the way it's being handled.
    But it sounds like you are healthy. Be careful!

  2. WOW. That blanket is gorgeous! I just did 2 at a time sleeves in my last sweater. I want to do it again with my striped sweater but juggling the two balls of yarn is a pain. Have to see when I get there. Hope you stay healthy. Light is at the end of the tunnel but it's going to be a very difficult few months.

  3. Blanket and sweater both look great. Hopefully Thomas stays free of the virus. Happy Christmas to you and yours.

  4. Hope everything turns out ok for THomas. I too knit sweater sleeves two at a time so good on ya! It looks great - and hooray it's almost done!! Enjoy your Christmas and your holiday from school.

  5. Love your blanket!!! The sweater is gorgeous! I pray you and your family stay well and safe and I wish you the best Christmas and a Happy New Year (we all deserve one! LOL!)

  6. I’ve been doing my sleeves 2 at a time on my Turtle Dove after the previous failed attempts and I think popping it all on a tray on my lap has significantly helped. Trying it on to test sleeve length has been a challenge though 😂 I have been worried about you being down in the south where the new strain seems rampant. I hope Thomas is fine. Enjoy your Christmas and I hope it’s an easier 2021.

  7. I love the blanket and your sweater is so pretty! I should really try the two sleeves at a time top down style, seems it would reduce the annoyance of having to knit ANOTHER sleeve!
