Sunday 16 January 2022

A Year of Projects Update - week 29

 This is going to be the shortest update ever!  I have done some knitting but no project looks any different!

Instead, the shower has stopped working, the car is in the garage and I've been at work.  It could be worse - we have a bath, a second car and at least I  gave a job.

So I have lots to do today and hope to be back next week with progress of note...

It's Thomas's birthday next week so maybe not - let's see.

Anyway  hope you all have a great week. 


  1. Looking forward to your next update!

  2. Hope this week is a better week for you!

  3. Well I hope the plumbing and the vehicle get well soon!

  4. Sounds busy! I’m always amazed at how much different people’s projects look from one week to the next. All of mine look the same.

  5. The adage, when it rains in pours, seems unfortunately applicable. I hope things improve!

  6. Oh my goodness! I hope this next week is better and that you are able to have a fun birthday for Thomas.

  7. That was quite a week for you. So nice of you to see the silver lining in all of it.

  8. Regardless I love your updates and I hope everything gets sorted out and you have an easier time of it this coming week.

  9. Oh goodness! Hope this week is much better. Glad that you are focusing on the positives. And hope you get to fit in a little knitting too.

  10. Well, that is three things, so all should look up this coming week.

  11. You've got a good attitude, Lucy. But I'm so sorry you've got these troubles of late. I hope things are turning around by now.
