Sunday 18 August 2013

Year of Projects - 18th August update

Have just managed a spot at the laptop (my son is usually hogging it!) and settled down with a cup of coffee to update.

Well I have had a busy week!!
I have blogged the details here but most is not knitting related!!  In summary, we went to Hever Castle, Drusillas Park, London Zoo, went swimming and did some pond dipping.  Today I need to clean - but we will manage a trip to the park.

On the knitting front, I finished the wristwarmers and packaged them for Christmas, knitted a bonnet for my local premature baby unit, did some more hexipuffs, completed my third dishcloth and printed off the pattern and bought yarn for the next big project.

The next big project is to be little gradient by Amy Miller link here
I say that but I am going to start the first of the crocodile scarves this week as well - so will try to do both at once.  We are going to Somerset again this week so may take Little Gradient with me along with some hexis as back up!!  So may start the scarf tonight.
I have also decided to do a mKAL with Boo knits.  It is called Morticia and will be a big shawl with lots of beading.  I decided I enjoyed knitting Dragonfly wings so much that I would push myself a little further knowing that the Boo knits are so well written and there is always help on hand.  I have never used beads before so that and the fact it will be so big will push my knitting further - that is the theory anyway!!!

So here is how the list looks at the mo

  • For Daniel and Lily -  a toy- ?dragon and rabbit using stash yarn
  • For the sisters in law - wristwarmers - finished 14/08/13 
  • For my mum and brother - pot covers 
  • For Thomas and Luke - crocodile scarf  - hopefully starting today
  • For my mum and mil - dishcloths and bag - finished 3 cloths!

  • Then, there's all the projects just for me

    • Finish tote bag  - hurrah - finished 04/07

  • Hat for me - finished 09/08/13
  • Socks for me - definitely using my A Stash Addict yarn
  • Placemats - in time for Christmas I hope!
  • Scarf for the husband
  • Shawl for me - Dragonfly wings by Boo knits - will be my next project - finished 14/07
  • Winter hats for the boys

  • Additions!
  • Little Gradient for Thomas - Yarn bought
  • Hexipuffs
  • Bonnet for SCBU - finished 14/08/13
  • Vanilla socks as first sock project - yarn bought from Mellifera yarns
  • MKAL  with One skein - scarflette - finished 26/07/13
  • MKAL with Boo Knits - Morticia - start 01/10/13

    1. Whew! You have been busy!!!! Can't wait to see Little Gradient....and good luck on Morticia!

    2. Nice bit of productivity!

    3. Little Gradient looks charming, although I don't envy you all that stockinette. Good for you for trying another mystery KAL! Keeps it fun and surprising!

    4. Wow! Family and youngsters and still getting so much done...amazing! I know when I had my family I could get lots I'm retired and slower than snail doo doo! LOL! I love the hexi puffs!

    5. Whew you have been busy! Fun on the mystery KAL :)

    6. Have fun with the KAL. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

    7. Sounds like you've been busy! Love the colour choices for your puffs!

    8. What a buzzin' week for you! Must have felt so good to knock off two, Xmas gifts. The hexi start is great. Enjoy the rest of your free time before the rat race of academics begins up again.
