Sunday, 4 August 2013

A Year of Projects - update from grandma's

No pictures this week as I am not at home.  Have travelled to Somerset to stay with my mum and dad for a week.
Had quite a trying week - that I mentioned here!

Have managed to get several things finished though, including 6 hexipuffs, a hat for me and have made a start on my second pair of wristwarmers - so feeling quite proud of myself.  Some details of these are on my Ravelry project page here and I will post pictures when I get home.

Also decided upon a pattern for the boys hats, it's called the strib hat by Kelly Williams (inspired by Ruth at Mysparemoments).
And I believe that is it - hope everyone has a good week :-)


  1. Enjoy your stay with your Mom and Dad and can't wait to see the pics of the hat and wristwarmers ! You will love the hat it is a fun knit and easy to mix and match colours in so each child can have a hat they love !

  2. Hope you have a great week away and get lots done :)

  3. Have a great week away, hopefully you'll have pcs to show us when you get back!

  4. Sounds like you've already got loads done, and looking forward to the pics when you're back! And sounds like you had traumas with dying the yarn! To stop it tangling, I would tie it in more places. I like to tie it in at least 4, but you can go up to 6 or 8 if you're worried.

  5. Waiting happily for your pics of progress! Have fun.
