Wednesday 31 July 2013

Work in Progress

Today is a combination of partially completed projects and a nightmare in the yarn department!

I finished 1 pair of wristwarmers last week - 1 to go for Xmas.
I also completed the knitting part of the mystery KAL - it was a scarflette and I now need to just add buttons.

Then there was the dishcloths - I finished 1 and then got 3/4 through a second, when I ran out of yarn!
I went to the shop to buy more to find they didn't have my colour.  So I ummed and ahhed for a little while before deciding that I had followed so many people dying and spinning their own yarn that I would dye some white - yellow.
Excellent idea, except that in the dying process the yarn got somewhat tangled.  To cut a long story short I then spent the best part of 7 hours untangling it!!  Was it worth it for a dishcloth?  No!!  My husband told me he would have thrown it away - but I am not a giving up sort of person and once I had started and invested a couple of hours on it, I had to finish it so finish it I did!!
Then, when I was finishing the knitting  (Grandmas favourite - so pretty much just garter stitch) I kept dropping stitches (I hardly ever do this but did it twice in this cloth :-( - weird).
It was not worth the time and stress - but it did end up the same colour and I have now completed the second dishcloth!!

I then decided to start a new project that I can continue in Somerset - hexipuffs!!  These are great, easy to do, portable and use up lots of odds and ends.  As you can see I have only just started and will need hundreds - so definitely a work in progress.

Other than knitting, I have also been able to make some progress on the roses with the cooler weather and the boys and me have made a start on the summer holiday project.
We are all going to Somerset this weekend so am hoping to make some progress on hexipuffs - probably not much else as most will be ending up as presents for mum - so better not knit them in front of her!!


  1. It's a lovely yellow and it matches perfectly. I admire your tenaciousness in getting it untangled!

  2. Well done on the detangling, I'm not sure I'd have stuck with it that long lol. Best of luck with the hexipuffs and a great project to take away with you.
