Sunday 1 April 2018

A Year of Projects Update - week 40

Ah we finally made it to the Easter break.  I think we are all over the various illnesses that have befallen us.  Thank you everyone for your good wishes last week, we are all feeling much better with no ill effects.

I think I have a little bit of everything this week.
I finished my Reflections shawl by Veera Valimaki from Interpretations 5.  I love this, it is very squishy and cosy and I wore it out today.
I have made progress on most things this week as well.  I am very nearly finished on my Winter rose socks and my Zinone.  I have no photos this week of those, but hopefully, next week they will be done and I will have FO shots for you.
I have cast on some mittens for my niece.
These are in some alpaca yarn I have had in stash for a while.

I also finally got round to dying some yarn I had this week.  I bought some undyed yarn a while ago.  I dyed some for my breathing space, but had lots left over.  This has coincided with me having a bit of a glut of red onions!  So last week I made some red onion marmalade and then used the onion skins to dye some skeins.  I decided I wanted a sweaters quantity and I am very happy with the colour I got.  I followed a blog post and thought I would get a much greener hue, but this is a lovely brown colour that I am very happy with.  I do not know what I am going to do with it yet, but I am hoping that it might become something from Interpretations.
And I think that is it for a moment.  We went to the wildlife centre this morning and saw a polecat for the first time for a while - he was just peeking out!
Hope everyone has has a great week.


  1. I am so glad to hear you are all healthy again.

    Lovely shawl and I looks squishy. Your hand dyed yarn will be lovely knit into whatever you choose for it.

    I had never seen a pole cat before. Thanks for the photo.

    Happy Easter!

  2. Interesting to see onion-dyed yarn. I really like the result you got. It has a very subtle organic feel to it!

    Never even heard of a polecat before - never mind seen one - so thanks for sharing that!

    I hope everyone stays healthy now!

  3. That shawl is stunning!
    Congratulations on the successful dying adventure. That will make a lovely sweater.

  4. Your shawl turned out lovely and glad you are all well again! Happy Easter and the mittens are going to turn out pretty in that yarn and soft too. I lvoe how your dyed yarn turned out. I need to save onion skins, I keep forgetting. I have been saving avocado seeds though. I have heard of pole cats but I thought they were another name for mountain lions...obviously not and what beautiful eyes they have. Thank you for sharing as I had never seen one before. Have a great week!

  5. I do an onion rosemary spread but I think marmalade would be a great idea. I've been wanting to do some natural dyeing too. I have all kinds of pins about out but maybe this summer..

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I didn't do a YOP post last week and didn't check out most of the other posts. So glad I came in here and saw that your Reflection shawl is finished. It's beautiful! How terrific that you're enjoying wearing it already. :)
