Oh my! Another week has flashed by and I don't feel like I have done that much.
I have done a few more rows on Saknes.
I have finished another wondrous wash mitt - just another 4 to go!
Otherwise, I have started sewing my next skirt - a must as I needed the pattern pieces for my Christmas dress that I would like to start soon.
I also finished a project that has been ongoing for a while. When my grandma passed away and my mum was going through her things, she asked me if there was anything I would like. The only thing I said I wouldn't mind is a picture that always hung in hers and my grandads living room. Well mum found it for me but it was in a bit of a state, having been hung and moved around for about 50 years. This week I finally got myself together and with some supplies from a picture framer got it back on the wall with as many of the original fittings as possible.
So that is my week - hope you all have great one!