Sunday, 9 March 2025

A Year of Projects Update - week 36

 I've made some progress this week.  Still finishing the socks but I've been doing some of the vest as well.

I have turned the heel on the Stephen West socks and am now making my way down the foot.

These are part of the year long sockalong with Stephen West and are made with stash yarn. 

I have also made some progress on the vest and have now nearly finished the back.  

This is from an old Pompom magazine and is using yarn from John Arbon Textiles. 

I haven't done a lot else, have read some of the Julia Bradbury book and have a couple more walks to read - then onto the Ruth Jones book.   I don't think it will be a case of me not having to renew but you never know!!

Anyway that is my week - hope you all have a good one!

Sunday, 2 March 2025

A Year of Projects Update - week 35

 Another week has flown by and very little progress has been made by myself!  I did a little on my socks this week 

I have done the heel flap and turn on one and will do the same on the other today.  These are the second in the Stephen West series so I now need to get a move on if I am to get to the March socks in good time.

I have done nothing else of note.  I walked go ghe library yesterday and picked up some books.

I want to make time to read these this month so let's see how I get on with that!

And that is that for this week.  I hope everyone has a good week and hopefully I will fit a bit more in this coming week!

Sunday, 23 February 2025

A Year of Projects Update - week 34

 I'm just back from a walk with Daniel this morning.  So I've changed and am enjoying a nice coffee whilst doing a bit of knitting.  It's also the end of the half term break, which gas been fairly busy but a nice break nonetheless. 

I have started the February Stephen West socks since I last posted and am making my way through them - hopefully I will be finished by the end of the month. 

These are using up several minis and leftovers which us the intention for all of these socks ☺️

I have also been plodding away on my Windlass vest and I am nearing the lace section and shaping for the arms 

I am knitting this in yarn from John Arbon Textiles.   

And that us all the knitting.  I intended to get some sewing ready but time got away from me.  I did, however, manage to get out in the garden to clear some brambles and I have got a selection of seeds on the go.

And that truly is it.   I hope everyone has a good and relaxing week x

Sunday, 9 February 2025

A Year of Projects Update - week 32

 It's back to my usual progress this week!  But that is OK.

I finished my hat off with it's pom pom.

I got yhe pom pom from Wool Warehouse and is one by toft, so is made from alpaca fur and is so soft.

I have also been making a bit of progress on my Windlass vest.  This is a pattern from an old Pompom magazine and is being made in a wool from John Arbon Textiles. 

And that is that.

I'm still only looking at the garden!  This weekend has been a bit dismal, so no motivation to get out yet!

I hope everyone has a great week.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

A Year of Projects Update - week 31

 Two weeks have skipped by and we are out of January.

I didn't post in the last couple of weeks as I really had nothing to post about!

I have a bit this week.

Firstly, I started and finished a hat.  Well nearly finished - I want it to have a pom pom- so I have ordered one from wool warehouse to come this week.

I knit this from stash yarn that I used for my Stephen West socks.
I put in a few rows on my desk set top and started a new cast on of the Windlass from an early Pom Pom Magazine that I am adapting for fingering yarn.
This is being knit in some Devon Natural yarn from John Arbon Textiles.
And that is about that.  I have been on a couple of walks with Daniel and otherwise worked and sat on the sofa!  At some point I will get out into the garden but I need to work up to that!
I hope everyone has a great week 😊.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

A Year of Projects Update - week 29

 And another week rolls past.

I  missed an update last week - I just seem to be running out of time lately!  Lastly I went for a hike with a couple of friends and today my husband, the boys and I went to Portsmouth to do some shopping for our eldest birthday.

As a result I have not made much progress on many projects, but have finished my first Stephen West socks.

They are a little bit big but they will be good as walking socks and next month I will make a size down!  I love how they look - I used a stash yarn from Dragon Hill studio and a very old skein from Mellifera yarn.  I am now looking forward to the next months offerings.

And that is all I have been working on - I did go for a hike last week  so I will leave you with some pics from that!!

Sunday, 5 January 2025

A Year of Projects Update - week 27

 This has been a lovely new year week.   Exactly as it should be spent with family and friends and doing lots of relaxing!

I have finished the wearable muslin of my Gertie dress.

I have hand sewn this which is my preferred technique and have now slightly altered the pattern pieces so that they fit.  I may do another similar with stash fabric before I make a couple with new.
I have also progressed on my desk top set, but have no photos of that.  I haven't worked on the set for a few days as the first pattern in the Stephen West year long sockalong came out.
I am working on these concurrently as my preferred method is two at a time.  I am loving the process so far!

I am using two stash yarns from Dragon Hill yarn and Mellifera yarn.
I went for a lovely walk with a couple of friends along the South Downs on Friday which was very good for the soul!

And it is back to school tomorrow 🙃 so I am expecting a slow down on my projects.
Anyway I hope everyone has a good week.