Sunday 15 November 2015

A Year of Projects Update - week 20

And yet another week flies by!  I've been quite busy at work this week so progress has slowed down.
I have mainly worked on Bluejay and have made good progress on that.  Here it is as of this morning.

I have finished the body and am now on to the hood.
I also did some work on my socks and have knitted 2 quick baby hats for the first Xmas craft fair next week.
This week will probably be much of the same (busy!!), but hopefully I will knit up some baby booties to go with the hats for the stall and finish Bluejay - that is the plan.
To see what the rest of the group are up to check here


  1. Bluejay is looking good and it sounds like your busy all round.

  2. Bluejay is a super cute pattern - a sleeveless hoodie. Can't wait to see if you add the giant pompom :)

  3. Your Bluejay is looking great. And it looks like it's going to perfectly fit your little guy. I like the color!

  4. You didn't get much done? Are you kidding me? I love the Bluejay...and your cute both of them!

  5. Darling sweater. And what a cute model!
