Monday 15 January 2018

A Year of Projects Update - week 29

I am late again!  The weekends keep disappearing on me.

Lets get on with it.
I am making great progress on Penguono.  This is the first Stephen West pattern I have attempted and I love it - it's so addictive and it's like stripey socks - you just want to get to the next bit.
I have also made a start on my little socks for advent next year.  I want to make a garland of socks in which to house next year's yarn advent calendar.  I've nearly finished these first three.
I am also making reasonable progress on Chuck.  I'm about half way along the sleeve but I want to make long sleeves on this one.
I also started and finished a dress (sewn) but I didn't take photos yet so I'm going to include that next week.

I think that is it for this week.  Next week is my son's birthday (next Monday) but hopefully, I will be able to get this done!  Hope everyone has a great week.


  1. (Sigh) You have made so much progress. I am very impressed. What a cute idea for an advent calendar. Those socks are great and so cute.

  2. Your tiny advent socks are going to be so fun. And how clever that you can do three at a time. Maybe this makes sense to sock knitters, but I'm completely baffled by that. Though, I will say... seeing you do this (usually with a pair of socks) is the closest I ever come to contemplating learning how to knit socks. I know I'd never get the second sock finished if I didn't knit them up together.

  3. a garland of socks. I love that. I have yet to try a Stephen West pattern. Maybe this year is my year! I love the colour of the Chuck sweater.

  4. So cute to see three different little socks at the same time, but I think three cakes of working yarn on the go would make me a bit crazy!

    I can totally relate to your comment about stripes - colour changes are addictive!

  5. OMGosh, three socks on one circular? Ya got mad skillz, girl. I have to try a Stephen West pattern this year. He is so creative. I'm glad you're having fun with this one you're workin' on. I'm not doing YOP anymore but I've added your blog to my Bloglovin' reading list.
