Friday 31 May 2019

Me Made May - round up post

So we have come to the end of May.  That in itself is a bit scary, but I am at the end of me made May and it is time to reflect.
This week has gone quite well
I started off the week with some shortie socks made with sugar plum fairy by stranded dyeworks.
I then ventured into various DIY projects and wore my turban to protect my hair fro paint and dust.
Day 28 saw me in my breathing space again with leggings. 
Day 29 saw me dig out Rhombing Around by Rililie, again with leggings.
This then became my uniform as I then donned my boxy again.  (Forgive my concentrating face!)
And finally, wearing my boxy again, I finished and wore my moss rose mitts.
So what have I learned from this?
I have found that I love my pinafore style Coco by Tilly and the Buttons.  I fully intend to make more of these and have two more ready to go already.  Of course I don't like leaving my arms uncovered so I will require some more options to cover up.  Close fitting T shirts to go underneath and loose boxy style cover-ups to go over the top.  I am also going to see if I can find some cardigan to go with them as well.  I have found I don't wear skirts, much as I want to I just don't go for them.  I shall be repurposing the material in the skirts that I have made.  I may look into whether I can modify some into shorts?
I have also noticed that much as I love jeans, they are not very flattering on me and I much prefer how I look in leggings.  With that in mind I have been living in boxy style, loose fitting sweaters, so I will be knitting myself more of these. .
So that is two looks that I have definitely see develop during May and ides from this will feature heavily in my new Year of Projects list. 
I still want to try a few new things however.  I have an Agnes top cut out so I would like to see how that looks and I have also been following the hashtag zadiejumpsuit on Instagram and have bought myself this pattern.  It seems to look good on almost everyone, so this is something I would like to try.  And finally, I really enjoyed making my pyjama bottoms and I thought I might run up a few of varying lengths and types of fabric for day wear as well.  My slouchy sweaters should go well with these as well.

I also bought a pin to commemorate my participation this year - I like it a lot!


  1. Congratulations on making it thru Me Made May. You did fantastic. I very much enjoyed watching you each day with your wardrobe.

  2. I see some new to me things here. I admire your Me Made wardrobe, Lucy.

  3. Wow! That's fantastic! I Love your leggings too they seem to go with all the "makes". The mitts turned out beautiful and I need one of those turbans! I need to make some shortie socks for summer and you definitely deserved that Me Made May pin! Good luck on the SAL's and KAL's!
