Sunday 1 September 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 9

 And with that, the holiday is over!

This week's post is a bit of a round up of the last few projects.  I did a post of our holiday Inn Sweden here.

And a post of last week's walk is here.

I did a further walk this morning and so, may pot that one in the week.

I finally got a picture of my Tonight Top by Lily Kate France. 

It's a bit crumpled and my hair is sweaty from the walk, but you get the idea!

I  will do more of these as I love it - this one is in Scheepjes Catona, so the next will be a wool.

I  also started another Tolsta tee. 

A nice stripy one to use up some stash!

I have done no more on my Emotional support chicken which a couple correctly guessed last week!  But I did finish my socks.

This week, I will write up my last walk and make a real effort to comment on everyone's posts - I'm afraid I have been slacking lately!  Next week I am unlikely to post as I am going to the Goodwood Revival all weekend so will have little time.  I hope everyone has a great couple of weeks.


  1. beautiful knits such lovely colors.

  2. Your tonight top looks great on you. Congrats on finished socks. I like the colors of the new tee. You are doing quite well with your walks. Keep it up.

  3. Tolsta tee is in my queue! (as is Daft Days Cardigan by Rebecca) I also love Lily Kate's patterns. Sounds like it has been a great break before school starts again.

  4. Your top looks great. Did you tell us how your swimming costume coped in the sea? I must go check out your Sweden post before I go to sleep, good luck with back to work. Whoosh, our non-existent summer is over!
