Sunday, 5 January 2025

A Year of Projects Update - week 27

 This has been a lovely new year week.   Exactly as it should be spent with family and friends and doing lots of relaxing!

I have finished the wearable muslin of my Gertie dress.

I have hand sewn this which is my preferred technique and have now slightly altered the pattern pieces so that they fit.  I may do another similar with stash fabric before I make a couple with new.
I have also progressed on my desk top set, but have no photos of that.  I haven't worked on the set for a few days as the first pattern in the Stephen West year long sockalong came out.
I am working on these concurrently as my preferred method is two at a time.  I am loving the process so far!

I am using two stash yarns from Dragon Hill yarn and Mellifera yarn.
I went for a lovely walk with a couple of friends along the South Downs on Friday which was very good for the soul!

And it is back to school tomorrow 🙃 so I am expecting a slow down on my projects.
Anyway I hope everyone has a good week.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 26

 I hope everyone has had a great week.

We are back from mum's in which we had a good time, even though my husband was ill for most of the time!

I managed to finish my socks whilst there.

I used up a few odds and end from other projects and in time to start Stephens January socks on Wednesday.

I have also made progress on my desktop vest.

I  am nearly at the top of the arm hole.

I  also have cut fabric for a dress - I am going to finally make one from Gerties Ultimate dress book!

Since returning I have gone full domestic goddess (!) - I made bread today for the first time for ages, as well as biscuits for Thomas, a poached chicken for later this week and a slow cooked pork joint today that will also do for meals later in thd week.  Also, managed to get outside and dug up the last of the potatoes today - and hopefully  the weather will be reasonably kind to us and I can get out in the next few days to plant the last of our bulbs.

Anyway, best get on!!  I hope you all have a great week and I will see you all next year!

Sunday, 22 December 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 25

 It's another short one this week!

School finished on Friday and me and Daniel are leaving for Somerset tomorrow morning. 

I think we are ready - even Darren has wrapped his presents (that doesn't usually happen until Christmas eve!)

I have only done a little crafting this week- my socks are coming along nicely.

I'm having a bit of a sock thing at the moment,  so much that I have signed up for the Stephen West year of socks to try to knit a few different techniques. 
And that is it for this week - hopefully over this next week I should be able to get some time to sit and knot.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week and great Christmas if you celebrate 😊