Sunday 6 October 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 14

 It's been a week of trying to get back to normal!  I do feel much better this week - perhaps as I am not taking the antivirals this week!

Anyway I have only make a little progress on my projects this week. 

I have done a little on my Tolsta tee. 

Upside down but there we go!

I have also started some socks.

I have made reasonable progress on these as I am on a deadline!  My mum requested them and I will be seeing her at half term so I have about 3 weeks to get them done!  Yarn is the leftover Fine Fish Yarn from my last pair of socks as she didn't want me to buy any!

I have also done a bit of mending and am waiting for a couple of zips to change a couple of bought pullovers into zipped tops.

Next up for sewing - I would like to make a yoga top and a  pair of trousers from The latest Fiber Mood magazine. 

I have the pattern just need to get the material.

And that is it for this week.  Hope everyone is well and has a great week 😊 

Sunday 29 September 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 13

 I missed last week - not because I didn't have much to report (although I didn't have lots) but because I have shingles!  It's not been too bad, but it started painfully and then developed into tiredness!  Anyway, I've done a bit now and am feeling a bit better.

I actually have a finished object.

I started and finished this in the last 2 weeks.

I really wanted one of those little scarves to tie around my neck.  So I made it up myself and finished - it was very quick.  I used some Zooming home for Christmas,  which was a Christmas yarn from Standed Dyeworks.

I have also put a whole load of rounds on my Tolsta Tee. 

This is made in some leftover Navia Duo from my Christmas dress.  I am nearly there and then I need to make my mum some more socks. 

And that is all I have been doing - my walking has stalled for a moment but I will be back on it soon.

I hope everyone has had a great couple of weeks. 

Sunday 15 September 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 11

 I'm back to work properly this week, so what with that and Goodwood last weekend, I have not done a lot crafting wise

I have put in a bit of time on my Tolsta tee this week.

I took this first thing this morning, so the light isn't good, but the colour is about right.  I am knitting this in leftover yarn (Navia Duo) from a project last year.

I have spent a bit of time in the garden this weekend as we have just had a bit of our fence and the back gate repaired.  So I have done some cutting back and some weeding.   Next weekend I hope to dig the last of the potatoes that are in the ground.  Leaving the bags for a bit after!

I also went for another walk this morning - I hope to try and write a post for the last two in the week. 

And that is it for this week.  I will catch up with everyone before I post this time!  Hope everyone has a great week 😀