Wednesday 24 July 2024

My Mighty Hike - prep week 1

 Of course, we all know someone that has been touched by cancer.  My great aunt had pancreatic cancer some 45 years ago and there was little that could be done.  My mother in law died 10 years ago and although treatment had moved on, she still succombed. In recent years, I lost 2 good friends far too young, and 1 that defeated it and is doing well 3 years on.  This year, we learned my mum had cancer - a blow as she had always been the strong one - she is undergoing chemo right now with the aim to give us more time.  And now  in the last few weeks, another good friend has revealed she has cancer and is about to start treatment. 

I  saw the Tamara Way on Countryfile a while ago (a couple of years ago) and thought one day I would like to walk it.

So, next year I am going to walk the Tamara Way for Macmillan. 

Thr Tamara Way is an 87 mile walk from Plymouth to the North Devon coast.  There is a 7 day route that I will follow - it involves daily walks of 10 to 15 mile walks.  So although I like walking and do longer walks, I don't regularly do such long walks and certainly don't do 7 days on the trot!  So a training plan has to happen and that starts now.

This is week one - I  have done daily walks of 2 to 3 miles - trying to improve my fitness to begin with.  I have been trying to walk at 4 miles an hour for these walks.  I have also been battling Plantar Fascitus, which isn't great tight now, but I have a range of insoles to help and hopefully,  it will start getting better.  So, I hope to document my progress here - though, to be fair, I say that about a lot of projects! 

Sunday 21 July 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 3

 So we are nearly there!  Two more days and I am on my summer break!

I have made some good progress this week!

Firstly,  the dress I had all but finished last week.

I love this pattern - it is called the Walkaway dress and is Butterick B4790.  This is the second one I have made and.. having finished this one, have started a third 

Usually  I like to hide the tops of my arms, but having hit 50 last year I don't care!

I have also made progress on the Call of the Sea. 

Sorry, I didn't turn the photo!  This is a vintage swim suit by Susan Crawford.   I shall decide when I have finished whether I wear it as a swimsuit or just as beachwear  but I'm loving it so far - I am using Scheepjes Catona.

And so, that is about it on the making front.  I did a tiny bit of gardening but only some weeding - even though I have done more this year than ever, everything seems to be doing much worse than ever! But it has been very weird weather  - first very wet  then cold for months.  Oh well, there's still a bit of time, and there is always next year!

Anyway  I hope everyone has a great week. 

Sunday 14 July 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 2

 I have made decent progress over these past three weeks!

I finished my Maywick sweater from The Shetland Trader. 

I knit this in various stash yarn and I love it!  I have already worn it lots as of today our temperatures are not that hot!

I have also started a second dress.  It's the same pattern as before - Butterick B4790.  I think they used it in a previous sewing bee and called it the Walkaway dress (so called as you can start it in the morning and walkaway with it in the afternoon!)

No photos yet as am just finishing it - it wi be ready for next week!

I also started a swimming costume!  A knitted one - I saw it on a Facebook group and fell for it -it is a vintage pattern by Susan Crawford called Call of the Sea.  I am knitting it in 100% cotton.

Despite loosing a little motivation in the garden, I  have been out this weekend and brought a lovely little selection of flowers in.

And I think that is it for this week.  Hope everyone has a great week.

Sunday 7 July 2024

A Year of Projects Update - The List!

 How can it be that time again?

It is the start of my Year of Projects year - I do July to July and have done for (I think) 11 out of the 13 previous years it has been running.  Everyone is welcome and, of course you do not have to do July to July - you can make the year of Projects what you want ot to be.

I have created my list in generally the same way every year although it has been  evolving to being what I would like to do this year.

This year there will not be a list as such (shock - horror!)

This year I want to really focus on producing my home-made wardrobe.  I will be doing this with a mix of knitting and sewing - supplemented by some acquisitions from Vinted (a growing addiction at present!)

So I have a few pieces to start me off and then I'm hoping to have a wardrobe cull  to make way for the next batch of makes.

At the moment I have a swimming costume, a dress, a wrap/poncho and a pair of socks on the go.  In the future I definitely want a red and a lacy Tolsta, a big red bag and at least one dress from the Gertie book I got for Christmas.

So there we have it - that will be my year of projects  and I am looking forward to it!

Sunday 30 June 2024

A Year of Projects Update - round up post

 This year has flown by and here we are again!  Rounding up the Year of Projects Year!

I feel I have accomplished a fair bit this year and a reasonable amount from my list.  Here is just a selection of my finished objects.

I think there may be some other sewing projects but I didn't find them.  I have one more FO that I finished today, but it is not photographed yet so I will reveal that in a couple of weeks!  

Next week, I will have my new shiny list for your delectation!  In the meantime I hope you all have a great week  😊 

Sunday 16 June 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 50

 How is it possibly week 50?  Time is rolling by so fast and yet I am not making much progress on my projects!

No matter!

I have done both sleeves for my Maywick (grant you, they are short sleeves) and attached them so I only have the yoke to go.  And since that is decreasing, I am hoping it won't take too long!

Colour isn't great in the photo - the sun was shining (which is rare at the moment!) so it looks black and white - it isn't- it is grey and purple and black and yellow!

That is all I have done this week.  The only other thing of note was that I had a manicure!  I haven't had one since I got married, but my nails were dreadful (possibly menopause linked) and so I had some new fangled treatment called Biab ( now I sound really old!)  Anyway it looks lovely,  hopefully it will help my nails and I will go back in 3 weeks to top it up!

That's all for this week, except that some were asking about the dress pattern from last week - it doesn't have a name as it is an old retro pattern - Butterick B4790.

I hope everyone has a great week - it is supposed to finally get a bit warmer here this week so we will see!

Sunday 9 June 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 49

 Our weather is being very odd - it's been rather chilly of late!  Mind you, this I prefer to the heat, so really, long may it continue!

I managed to complete my dress today.

I really like this pattern, and as a result have bought fabric for two more!
I had nearly finished it during the week but I altered the darts today and love it.
I have also got to the sleeves for my Maywick  - hopefully they won't take too long as I don't want long  sleeves 
I spent a little time in the garden this weekend,  just a bit of tidying really.  I did get some more rhubarb so I can make some more rhubarb gin.  The last batch was lovely, so I'm very keen to make more!

We have a busy week this week.  It is Thomas's last week of exams and Daniel has a school trip.  But hopefully, will be able to put in some crafting time!

I hope everyone has a great week. 

Sunday 2 June 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 48

 I keep running out of time!  I have had all week, albeit some spent with mum, but I haven't had to go to work.   And yet, I still ran out of time!

I did do a fair bit of progress on all projects.

I did more on Maywick and have now spit for the sleeves.  I now need to knit the sleeves to add them in and finish. 

I also did a fair bit on my February socks and am now nearly at the heel. 

I also recieved some bias binding I had ordered and am now finishing the dress I started.  

I know I say this alot but I'm hopeful I will be able to show you the progress next week!

I shall leave you with a couple of photos from my trip to visit mum and a swim at the start of the week.

Sunday 19 May 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 46

 Blimey time is just flying by at the moment with so much going on!

I have done a tiny bit of crafting and have some terrible photos!  Next week I should have better pics!

I have done a little more on Maywick. 

Still on the body but getting there!
I also started a dress.

I know it doesn't look like it but I am quite far along.  I will share the pattern and hopefully a nearly finished object next week.
Today has been a bit manic  - it was Daniel's birthday a week ago and today I took him and some friends to an escape room and then afternoon tea which they loved.  
Thomas has had his first GCSE exams this week - he has 3 weeks of exams to go.  These are the big ones before he hopefully goes onto A levels - if he gets the grades in these.  I also said goodbye to both my GCSE and A level groups before their exams.  One of them made my this
Which I thought was quite sweet!
Anyway, that is about it, this week.  Hope everyone has a great week and I hope to be back with progress next week!

Sunday 5 May 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 44

 Well look at me go!  Thought I would get my post done early so I don't forget!

It is a beautiful Sunday morning on this Bank Holiday weekend 😎  So I am hoping to get out in the garden once I have popped to the superstore down the road to get a few nice bits and pieces to eat!

Things are blooming in the garden.

So today I want to get out there to get on top of the weeding and hopefully to start organising some pots.

I have been making some progress on my Maywick. 

This is a vlose up on yhe gorgeous pattern.   I am using loads of leftover yarn mainly from John Arbon and am loving it so far.  I don't usually enjoy bottom up construction,  but three of my recent knits (two Tegnas and this one) have been and I loved doing them and the two Tegnas are favourites to wear.  So maybe I am a convert!

I've not been knitting anything else - needless to say my 24 socks in 24 is not going particularly well 🤣  but I will get back on it (unlikely it will be that many though now!

And that is that - Thomas has his first big exam for GCSE this Thursday, so we are all gearing up for that - then we are firmly in exam season!

I hope everyone has a great week.

Sunday 28 April 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 43 week

 Oh my, time is going so quickly!  It's been a somewhat busy week with very little knitting progress.  

As such,  this is going to be very short.

I am still working my way through Maywick from The Shetland Trader. 

I am knitting this in various bits of stash yarn,  mostly from John Arbon Textiles.  Now hopefully, this week should be a little quieter and I should be able to do a bit more.  

Next weekend is a long one so I may even pick up some sewing!!

I hope everyone has a great week. 

Sunday 21 April 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 42

 I seem to have managed to have missed another week!  

Life seems to be quite busy at the moment.   I do have a couple of projects to share though.

Whilst at my mum's, I made a baby cardigan for my sister in law's new niece.  She had asked mum to make it but she was not up to it.

This was knit using a free pattern on Ravelry and some yarn mum had.
I  also started Maywick from the Shetland Trader.   It has been a while since I knitted lace and I am really enjoying it!
This is also using lots of stash and leftovers so a win all round.
I haven't done much else  - a little in the garden but that is it.
Hopefully I will get myself organised to be back next week.   And I hope everyone has a good week.

Monday 8 April 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 40

 I'm a day late!  Had all good intentions to do this yesterday, but somehow the day got away from me.

I made quite a bit of progress last week.

I finished the belt to go with the Delovely skirt.  I haven't worn it yet but may try it out next week back at school and will report back then!

Squidney knits (Sidney Crabaugh) has just brought out a dress which I love quite a bit!  Having just bought the dress pattern from Vera Valimaki I feel I already have enough knitted dresses, but still think I may have cast this on by the end of the year!

I also started my hat - the Withy hat from the John Arbon Textiles annual number 3.

I have done more now and hope to have it off the needles by tomorrow.   I am going to Sonerset to visit mum tomorrow for a few days so want to take a new project with me.
That project is likely to be the Maywick sweater from The Shetland Trader book 3.
I got some potatoes out in the garden this week, but most things will have to wait a bit as it is still do wet!
And that is it - the rest of today will be preparing for my trip to Somerset and then return to school next week.
I hope everyone has a great week 💓 

Sunday 31 March 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 39

 I completely missed last week.  There was no particular reason, just ran out of time.  This week, however, I am on holiday, so have plenty of time!

Having more time does not translate to more progress though!

I have finished the Delovely skirt- just a belt to go.

This is knit in John Arbon Textiles Yarnadelic.

I was going to start a yoga top, but as I was going through my fabric stash I came upon an old top that had perished under the arms.  I also had some old leggings, that I have upcycled together to make a yoga top.  I have bound them at the neck and now just have to hem the armhole.

I have lined up a top and a hat which I will write about next week as hopefully   they will be WIP's by then.  I have done a little gardening this weekend and have got some potatoes sown.

We also had our first bbq last night.

So here's to a productive week!  Hope everyone has a good weekend. 

Sunday 17 March 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 37

 This week has been a bit difficult, but we got through it!  Mum had her first chemo on Wednesday and it went as well as can be expected. 

I have worked a bit on the Delovely skirt and am now so close to finishing - I think I would like to do one last repeat - about 10 rounds.  I'm looking forward to having this done and then I can decide on the next project!!

And that's the only project I have worked on - I have planted out some seedlings this morning, made some bread yesterday and a cake this afternoon. 

Hopefully this week will go smoothly and I might get the skirt finished.  I hope everyone has a nice week. 😊 

Sunday 10 March 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 36

 The weeks are flying past at the moment.   January took forever and now February went in a flash!

I have got a little done but I  have been so tired when I get home from work, I rarely knit then as it puts me to sleep!

So the only project I have progress on is my Delovely skirt. 

I got a bit bored of going around, so I have put in the waist elastic and now I will return to going around in circles!!  I don't think I have too much further to go - I will certainly finish this skein and then see where we are.
I am using John Arbon Textiles Yarnadelic.

I spent a little time in the garden yesterday but it was only a little tidy up, I think next week I will try to do a bit more out there in readiness for the planting season!

Mum starts chemo his week so although I am not down there, I will be talking to her most days and checking in.  I hope to go down during the holiday that is looming.
I hope everyone has a great week. 

Sunday 3 March 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 35

 I finally took my photo today!

You will have to forgive my hair!  I had just come in from the garden!

This was the jacket I made a few weeks ago.  I really like it - it's nearly the weather to wear it out.

I have done some more on the Delovely skirt and am onto the third skein!  No photo this week  but trust me it is coming along!

What I have got is a pic of the back of the garden.  I have been so motivated in the garden this year.  I think it is the removal of the tree.  There is still so much to do but I'm getting there bit by bit.

Today it was lovely and sunny and I started to dry out some of the tree stumps to make a little seating area at the very back.

This was a mass of brambles and nettles - but it's getting there.  I had a friend this morning!

And that is it for this week.  I hope everyone has a great week.

Sunday 25 February 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 34

 We have had a fairly normal week here in the South of England!  Despite that I still don't have a photo of my jacket - hopefully next week. 

I have made a little progress on my socks and my Delovely skirt. 

It's coming along nicely   I am using John Arbon Textiles Yarnadelic and am now beyond all of the calculations and just going round and round increasing occasionally. 

I have done a little bit on my socks, but not enough to finish them this month - not to worry!

I have managed to spend a bit of time in the garden this weekend,  I  have done a bit of mulching of raspberries, set up a new compost bin and organised a few pots.

We also had the second of our Swedish nights yesterday.  We are holidaying there in the summer so we are preparing by having some Swedish evenings where we eat the food and practice some phrases.

Anyway - my aim this week is to take more photos and get round to commenting on the other blogs!

Sunday 18 February 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 33

 So I said I would prepare a proper update this week, but it isn't to be.  By the time I return home I will have to get us sorted for the week ahead so will not gave time to do it properly. 

I have finished my jacket, but do not have a photo, so will post that next week.  The only thing I  have  is my socks for this month.

As you can see, they are only just started.  They are being knit in Fine Fish Yarn.

And that is all I have time for this week.  Hopefully, we will be back on an even keel next weekend. 

Hope everyone has a great week. 

Monday 12 February 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 32

 Oh my, so I nearly missed this week as well!

I think, despite the fact that I have made progress on my projects, I will do a quick update and work towards a proper update next week!

A couple of weeks ago my mum got taken into hospital.  She was there for a week while they put in a bile duct stent and found a tumour.   She is the sole carer for my dad who therefore, had to be put into respite care.   Mum and dad live 4 hours away and so my brother stayed with her and looked after dad in those initial days.  When she was due to come out she obviously needed someone there which was me.  So I went to Somerset for last week to look after her.  I returned Saturday morning and am going back at the end of this week for just a couple of days.

So all in all, its been a bit crazy and hence no update last week.  This week is half term and so hopefully, I will be able to do a proper update next Sunday.

I hope everyone is well and has a good week. 

Sunday 28 January 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 30

 It has been a busy week here, what with moderators and parents evening.   However, I have managed to get a bit done on my skirt and made good inroads to another project!

Firstly, we have had some lovely weather this weekend which makes a change from the wind of late!  Therefore,  I spent sometime in the garden yesterday.  I carried out the big garden birdwatch and dug over the rest of the veg plot.

It was a bit chilly first thing though!

Having done that I got stuck into a new project which is a Vogue pattern jacket.

It's coming together quite nicely although I want to pull in the side seams a bit and finish it inside with bias binding.

I have also made progress on my Delovely skirt and am nearly at the end of the first skein of yarn. 

And that is it for this last week  - hopefully,  this next week should be a little calmer!

Hope you all have a great week 😊 

Sunday 21 January 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 29

 This week has flown by and little was done during the week.  Next week is due to be a bit stressful, with the moderator coming to school for A level biology on Monday, the same day as my older sons birthday,  and then later in the week it is his parents evening!  So I don't foresee much being done this coming week either!  At least it gets it all done!

Anyway, I do have a finish this week.  The first pair of socks for the year.  Knit in a skein from Eden Cottage that I got in their secret stash box a few years ago.

I need to weave in the ends, but I consider them done.

I have also made some progress on Delovely.

I have completed the waistband (that was knit in part back and forth) and have now joined in the round to start the hip increases.  I am using Yarnadelic by John Arbon Textiles. 

Other than those, I have done some baking today in preparation for the week ahead.  I made a chicken pie and a quiche, so that is two dinners sorted!

And so, that is that, I am not looking forward to the week ahead, the weather is supposed to be horrible with high winds (at least we no longer have the tree!) but by next weekend I will have done it all so that's what I'm aiming for!!  Hope everyone has a great week.  😊

Sunday 14 January 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 28

 Here we are in the longest month of the year!

I think I have been reasonably productive this week!

Firstly I made a list!  I like a list (one of the reasons I am part of the YOP group) - but despite having the list I made on here as part of that group, I really like a hard copy, hand produced list - I'm a bit of a technophobe at heart.  So I made this list

Anyway, of these projects, I have made progress on my socks.

I have turned the heel and now making my way up the leg - so going well!  This is a yarn from Eden Cottage yarn and I'm using the blueberry waffle pattern.

I have also cast on the Delovely skirt in Yarnadelic by John Arbon Textiles - I haven't got too far yet!

Otherwise, I did a bit more in the garden and made some bread and butternut squash soup for the week.  I used to be into making bread but stopped for quite a while.  It didn't help, that I was using up old yeast that I had bought in bulk, which wasn't working.  Now I have new yeast and hope to get the bug back again!

I  also cut the fabric for a little jacket, so hope to get that started this week.

I think that is it - now to put the dinner on!  I hope everyone has a great week!