Sunday 29 September 2019

A Year of Projects Update - week 13

Autumn has definitely hit here!  I do like autumn but we are having the end of the storms at the moment, so it's a bit windy and rainy.  I've been out to pick up the paper and am just drying off with a coffee.
I don't have a whole lot to report this week.
I have been plugging away on Epistrophy and am now up to the yoke shaping.  I am going to be cuting it very fine with the yarn but should be ok!
I have done a little on Faience and the socks but not enough for anyone to notice.
I have also been harvesting from the garden.  We have done very well with our potatoes this year (last year they were neglected) and these are the ones from just one bag.  The rest of the harvest is in the oven roasting to make a sauce.
I think that is it for this week, short and sweet!  I hope everyone has a great week.

Sunday 22 September 2019

A Year of Projects Update - week 12

Ok, so I missed another week.  In my defence, we went to Goodwood last Sunday and to be honest,  there wasn't much knitting progress anyway.
I did have one small finished object and that was my dish cloths.  No, I have not blocked them or sewn in the ends, and nor do I intend to as they are for me.
They are all knit in cotton yarn, I don't know what brand.
Since I have been absent for two weeks I have made a reasonable amount of progress on my sweaters.
Epistrophy is coming along nicely, I have joined the sleeves to the body and now am nearly ready for the yoke shaping.
I am knitting this in coldharbour mill yarn that has been in my stash for a while.
I have also finished the left front of faience and am now making my way down the right.
This is a pattern from pom pom that I am really enjoying.

I have not even picked up askews me,  but I will do when these two are done - they are both so close now.
Finally, I had a lot of comments about the sprocket in my last post.  I can report that I love it.  It is not inexpensive, but for a person who loves printed photos, this is perfect.  When the boys were younger I took hundreds of photos and then took the card to the supermarket to have them all printed.  I have many photo albums!  However,  now, as I'm sure many now do, I take lots of photos on my phone and that is where they stay, or I download to dropbox.  So this satisfies that need to have printed versions.  It also means I can start to indulge my curiosity for journaling that I have never really tried.  This is my starting point - I have actually done more than this but thought I'd share my progress,  since it is a crafty project!

Sunday 8 September 2019

A Year of Projects Update - Week 10

Despite only being back at school three days it seems to have been an extraordinarily busy week.  What with Darren being away, so I had to negotiate school runs and work.
I have done a tiny bit of crafting but only really on one project.
I did do two dishcloths - I am going for at least 3 so I will post a pic next week of those.
Otherwise I am working away on Faience.  I am knitting this in my own hand dyed yarn and the pattern is from Pom Pom magazine.
I am now mostly down the left front, just a few more repeats to go.

Daniel has been very keen to get out into the garden when we have had the time this week.  So we bought a few plants this morning to plant out along with some cyclamen I bought the other day.  We have also been keeping lots of food in the garden for the birds, which has attracted hundreds of birds.

Finally, I have been following Chelsea of Chelsea Makes and she was talking about an HP Sprocket that prints straight from your phone to little stickers, which I have become obsessed with to the point I ordered one that came today.  Next week will see me printing lots of little photos!!
Anyway that is all from me this week.  Hope everyone has a great one.

Sunday 1 September 2019

A Year of Projects Update - week 9

Back after two weeks and I have a fair bit of progress to share.
We have been on holiday in Cornwall and then we spent a bit of time doing family things!
I finished my sparkly stripey socks last week.  These are knit in Dragon Hill Yarn and are a simple vanilla sock knit with 9 inch circular needles.
I enjoyed knitting with these in the end, but I didn't like not having them both finished at the same time!

I have made a reasonable amount of progress on Epistrophy, but haven't taken a pic this week.  I am nearly done with the sleeves and then I can join for the yoke.  I think when I get to that point it will fly by.
I have also made a significant amount of progress on Faience.  I have completed the back piece and am now making my way down the front.
This is knit in some yarn I dyed myself with onion skins and the pattern is from the last issue of Pom Pom magazine.
I also cast on some new socks since I had finished the last pair.  This is some sock yarn from Life in the Long Grass and I will be dong the honey bee dance socks from Helen Stewart.
I did also start my brioche project before we left for our holidays.
This is going to be Askews Me by Stephen West.
I have cast on a dishcloth for myself, but have no photos of that either - I will post when I have a pile!
I will leave you with a picture of the boys in a hole!