Sunday, 22 September 2019

A Year of Projects Update - week 12

Ok, so I missed another week.  In my defence, we went to Goodwood last Sunday and to be honest,  there wasn't much knitting progress anyway.
I did have one small finished object and that was my dish cloths.  No, I have not blocked them or sewn in the ends, and nor do I intend to as they are for me.
They are all knit in cotton yarn, I don't know what brand.
Since I have been absent for two weeks I have made a reasonable amount of progress on my sweaters.
Epistrophy is coming along nicely, I have joined the sleeves to the body and now am nearly ready for the yoke shaping.
I am knitting this in coldharbour mill yarn that has been in my stash for a while.
I have also finished the left front of faience and am now making my way down the right.
This is a pattern from pom pom that I am really enjoying.

I have not even picked up askews me,  but I will do when these two are done - they are both so close now.
Finally, I had a lot of comments about the sprocket in my last post.  I can report that I love it.  It is not inexpensive, but for a person who loves printed photos, this is perfect.  When the boys were younger I took hundreds of photos and then took the card to the supermarket to have them all printed.  I have many photo albums!  However,  now, as I'm sure many now do, I take lots of photos on my phone and that is where they stay, or I download to dropbox.  So this satisfies that need to have printed versions.  It also means I can start to indulge my curiosity for journaling that I have never really tried.  This is my starting point - I have actually done more than this but thought I'd share my progress,  since it is a crafty project!


  1. Great progress and seems like there’ll soon be 2 finished big projects. You’ve made me wonder why I’ve been bothering sewing in the ends on the ones I’ve made myself. I love looking through old albums so I’m sure your children will appreciate you creating these albums/journals.

  2. I looked up the sprocket that you spoke about the last time. That is such a great item to have. I sent the info to my friend who is into amatuar photography. He is looking into it.

    Your sweaters are coming along quite nicely. Dishcloths are always so nice to have tgo work on when you want quick gratification! I do weave in the ends on the ones for me. Otherwise if that end tickles me while doing dishes I think it's a bug and kind of freak out.

  3. Wow, two sweaters so close to being done! They look lovely. Dishcloths are always useful and Sprocket is definitely crafty too.

  4. Love seeing your progress both knitwise and photowise. I just repaired one of my favourite hemp dishcloths. I couldn't bear to throw it out or let it unravel. Blocking dishcloths? Is that a thing? Lol.

  5. Well you will be warm with two new sweaters. I don't print out too many pictures.

  6. Love the colour of your washcloths. Your sweaters are coming along really well. There is something special about looking through albums, digital doesn't give the same feeling. (or is that my age!)

  7. Your dishcloths are so colorful and the Epistrophy is gorgeous...can't wait to see it on you! You are almost done with the Faience'll have 2 new sweaters to wear this Fall. The Sproket looks very interesting and your journal/album is a wonderful idea.

  8. Wow, Epistrophy is really coming along. I, too, love the color! And the second sweater, too. I don't think I've noticed before the somewhat lacy design. That's really lovely. Okay, now... I have to ask... how do you keep your ends from coming undone and your dishcloths from unraveling if you don't weave in the yarn ends? I'm not sure I could bring myself to not weave them in even you have an answer for this, but I had to ask... lol
