Sunday 25 August 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 8

 What a week!  Sweden was magnificent!

I think I might do a post tomorrow with some details, and combine it with a walking post, as we did a lot of walking.  I have also been out this morning and did a walk of nearly 8 miles, so will not be doing much else this long weekend!

I have done a little crafting since we returned.

I finished my Tonight Top by Lily Kate France,  but have not taken any photos, so will do thatater in the week. 

I have made progress on my second pair of socks this year (so much for 24!!) 

These are an improvised pattern knit in Fine Fish Yarn bought from Unravel, years ago.

I have also started a project that has been very popular that I suddenly fancied doing!

Can you guess what it will become?

And I shall leave you this week with an image from the walk this morning upon finding an antiques shop whose owners ushered us in for tea and biscuits!


  1. How lovely to be invited in for tea and biscuits. I cannot wait to read all about the trip to Sweden.

  2. An eight mile walk is awesome. Tea and biscuits is a great idea during a walk too. I have no idea what you are making but it looks like an elephant at the moment. The only popular item I keep seeing pop up all over is a therapy chicken.

  3. That is some impressive walking!! How wonderful to get outside. Sounds like a fun visit at the antique shop.

  4. You're inspiring me to get out and get walking - except that we're going to be in the 90's all this upcoming week. :( Can't imagine what that gray thing is, but I'm immensely curious. :)

  5. I think it’s an emotional support chicken! I’m so glad you had a good time in Sweden. Did you buy any yarn when you were there? I look forward to reading about it. Liz (Highlandheffalump)
