Sunday 27 March 2016

A Year of Projects Update - week 39

Happy Easter, if you celebrate, and if not, I hope you have a restful few days.
I have an FO!  I finished Bracken at the start of the week.
I also finished Daniel's socks, but he wore them, so there are no photos!

I have made some progress on Whitby, hopefully, I will finish this very soon.
Having finished two projects I set to making an owl bag for the stall
And I cast on my worsted boxy, although there is not much to show for it.
I also cast on my donder and blitzen hat.

I have none this week, but I'm going to Coldharbour mill next week and intend to stock up (since it's nearly my birthday!)  So I will share next week.
So anyway, we have my brother and his two children staying for the weekend and we are ready!! (They are chocolate eggs).
To see the rest of the group, click here.


  1. chocolate eggs...yum! I love Easter candy the best....nicely done on the vest...seems like you have a bit of startitis...

  2. Well done on finishing Bracken and the socks must be good if they've been nabbed to be worn before photos! Lots of lovely new projects started so I look forward to seeing those over the coming weeks and eggs! yum! Hope your enjoying the time off, I know I am :)

  3. So many great projects going there, Lucy. The Bracken is terrific! And it looks like it fits you well. Hunting for chocolate eggs brings back fond memories. ;^) I hope it was a Happy Easter!!!
