Monday 22 October 2018

A Year of Projects Update -week 17

I am a day late, but now we are on our half term break.  We do not have too many plans so I intend to do a fair bit of crafting.  Me and Daniel made a batch of bath bombes yesterday, and now he has taken quite a liking to them.  We have got some more ingredients coming and then we will make some more.  I will post pictures next week.
So this week...
I have made progress on my Rugged coat.  I have now joined the two fronts and back, so now it is just continuing in pattern until it is time for pockets.
I am really enjoying this but I will not have it finished soon!
I haven't made much progress on my other projects, not enough to see anyway. 
This afternoon I cut lots of pieces of fabric to make handwarmers for Christmas.
Tomorrow I will sew them and add some rice, and they will be done.  Again I will show you the finished articles next week.
For a minute, me and the boys are catching up with Harry Potter.  Thomas got into it over the summer and we watched all of the films, so now we are watching them again.
Anyway, that is it for this week - hopefully I will have lots of nice things next week!


  1. Hope you enjoy your mid term break Lucy, ours begins next week. I love how the Rugged is coming along and hand warmers sound just wonderful coming into the winter.

  2. Oooohhhh.....bath bombes are big here too. I didn't know you can make them. Splendid gift idea. And the hand warmers sound like a grest gift too. Looking forward eeeing the finished product.

    Rugged Coat os moving right along.

  3. Enjoy your break! You deserve it! I like the idea of bath bombs for gifts and the hand warmers are a great idea too. I'm always looking for things to make for gifts, thank you.
    That coat is going to be beautiful when you're done but I imagine it is a big project. Take care and say hello to Harry for me! Love me some HP!

  4. Bath bombs are high on my list of things to try, along with making my own soap. Do you have a pattern for the handwarmers? Looks like we are heading for a long, cold winter so they might come in handy.
