Sunday 16 June 2024

A Year of Projects Update - week 50

 How is it possibly week 50?  Time is rolling by so fast and yet I am not making much progress on my projects!

No matter!

I have done both sleeves for my Maywick (grant you, they are short sleeves) and attached them so I only have the yoke to go.  And since that is decreasing, I am hoping it won't take too long!

Colour isn't great in the photo - the sun was shining (which is rare at the moment!) so it looks black and white - it isn't- it is grey and purple and black and yellow!

That is all I have done this week.  The only other thing of note was that I had a manicure!  I haven't had one since I got married, but my nails were dreadful (possibly menopause linked) and so I had some new fangled treatment called Biab ( now I sound really old!)  Anyway it looks lovely,  hopefully it will help my nails and I will go back in 3 weeks to top it up!

That's all for this week, except that some were asking about the dress pattern from last week - it doesn't have a name as it is an old retro pattern - Butterick B4790.

I hope everyone has a great week - it is supposed to finally get a bit warmer here this week so we will see!


  1. Lovely knit and good for you for treating yourself to a manicure.

  2. The sweater looks beautiful! I’m going to have to check out that pattern. I can make out the purple if I zoom in, but it’s hard to see the yellow. Lighting is our best and worst friend in photos, eh?

    Congrats on the manicure! I was thinking about getting one today but then took a super long nap. I was a chronic biter for most of my life, but I finally managed to curb the habit in the past four years or so. I’ve treated myself to two manis in the past year, as pretty nails covered in polish are less tempting for me. Did you get color?

  3. It is frustrating trying to capture true colors with photos. Congrats on the manicure. I have found that at my age my nails are terribly weak and break off and even split. They rarely can grow much. I use Kiss Press-on Nails for special occasions.

  4. My nails are a nightmare since I’ve been perimenopausal, splitting vertically and snagging my knitting 😡. I’ll google what you had done. Funny how the jumper does look black and white this week, I look forward to seeing it finished and in its full colours. Isn’t it bonkers it’s week 50!

    1. Actually that was week 51...there are 53 weeks this YOP year. Not that the numbering makes much difference. We will still end the same week.
