I've come over all arty this week!! I blogged about inspiration here - but here are a few exerpts:
Now knitting!! I found these as inspiration for my niece's cardigan (I am not knitting a cupcake design - just the colours!!
And I made my first foray into designing - here it is! There are lots of things wrong with it - stitch count is too large for these clasps, the owl is not centred, I ran out of the blue so the back is two-tone and my colourwork leaves something to be desired!! But all of these things can be improved!
And indeed have been!
Now none of these are on my YOP list, but again Ruth has inspired me. This time not to bake, but instead to sell my products. I have signed up to do a craft fair in June and so these are all prototypes for what I will be selling (all except the cushion cover).
I have made some progress on my top for work, so I haven't completely forgotten about the list - I hope to finish it for next week so I will update the list then.