Quiet Stars - finished
Waters - finished (worn with my Landers pants - outfit was made for the outfit along 2018)
All The Love - finished
Rugged Coat - finished
Epistropy - all ready to go! But still not started - I still want this one.
Christmas Jumper 2 - Julgran finished
Nasreen - Finished
Socks - various - use some of the many patterns I have but never used. Yes I did some, not sure I used many different patterns but did knit some socks!
Grass River Tunic - finished but ..... frogged. Once done (and I am very stubborn when knitting, I will see it through to the bitter end) I quickly realised I didn't like it - not the fault of pattern or yarn - I just didn't like it and so frogged it. I am going to use the yarn to make sanctuary.which is already cast on - will update you on this one in a later post.
Enchanted Mesa - didn't make it, when I finally get to the end of my immediate queue I will cast this on.
Two blankets - um yes - I did start one!
Colourwork mittens - Finished
Cleo - 3 completed
Landers trousers - finished - see above
tunic tops - have an Agnes cut out, but not sewn up.
Coco - have made several now - and some modified ones

PJ bottoms - finished

Mittens - three pairs complete
Scarf - finished and gifted
Advent socks (gift for myself!) - have not done one more.
Christmas jumper for Daniel - not yet (maybe for this Christmas)
Socks for Daniel - bumblebee socks finished
Brioche - no
wool exploration - no - but did get several samples to use at my leisure.
Other crafts
Keep up drawing - yes have done a fair bit of this
Complete the embroidery a day challenge - not yet (there are not enough hours in the day!)
Bath bombs - done
Candle making - not yet - this year!
My overall aim was to complete Me Made May which I did so the year was a definite success. I also completed many things that weren't on the list - two hats by Woolly Wormhead spring to mind!
So there we are - I think I accomplished quite a bit last year. Here's looking forward to the next!
A lovely collection of finished items. I especially like the sewing projects and the Quiet Stars cardigan. Do you have a favourite item?
ReplyDeleteWhoa Nellie! I cannot believe how much knitting you get done and on top of that Me Made May? You deserve an award! All your makes are lovely and the sweaters....gorgeous! I am looking forward to seeing your makes again this year.
ReplyDeleteYou accomplished so much this past year. All the clothing items you made for yourself this year is phenomenal. Love your Rugged Coat and I suppose it gets quite a bit of wear from you in the cooler months. Hmmmm, wonder what treasures you have planned for next year?
ReplyDeleteYou knit so many lovely sweaters. And some great sewing as well.
ReplyDeleteI hear you about finishing a project and then frogging it. Lots learned, but no point keeping something you won't wear and the yarn will be gorgeous as something else. Looking forward to following your Year nine pursuits!
Your knitted sweaters are really impressive, Lucy. And several projects here I had either forgotten about or somehow missed when you shared them the first time. It's so fun to see all the projects made over the span of a year. Sometimes when I see you knitters making garments and socks, I think about people say... as recently as 150-200 years ago making most or all of their clothing themselves. I wonder what a year of handmade items looked looked like for them. I'm thinking not nearly as impressive as what you have done. Every time I read about Me Made May, I think about that kind of thing...
ReplyDeleteYou completed and managed so much in the year Lucy and Me Made May was such a great success for you! That's something I want to get on too of, I may follow your example.
ReplyDeleteWhat a productive year! I love the Christmas jumper.
ReplyDeleteClothing has always been on my list but i never seem to get to it.
Wow! You completed a LOT of garments and they all look fantastic. How do you get that much done in a year. I am looking forward to seeing what is in store for this coming year.